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[Update] Equal, Less and Greater Than Symbols | more less – NATAVIGUIDES

more less: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้


Equal, Greater or Less Than

These are the important signs to know:


When two values are equal
use the “equals” sign

example: 2+2 = 4

When two values are definitely not equal
use the “not equal to” sign

example: 2+2 ≠ 9


When one value is smaller than another
use a “less than” sign

example: 3 < 5


When one value is bigger than another
use a “greater than” sign

example: 9 > 6

Less Than and Greater Than

The “less than” sign and the “greater than” sign look like a “V” on its side, don’t they?

To remember which way around the “<” and “>” signs go, just remember:

  • BIG > small

  • small < BIG

The “small” end always points to the smaller number, like this:

Greater Than Symbol: BIG > small



10 > 5

Or the other way around:

5 < 10


Do you see how the symbol “points at” the smaller value?

… Or Equal To …

Sometimes we know a value is smaller, but may also be equal to!

Example, a jug can hold up to 4 cups of water.

So how much water is in it?

It could be 4 cups or it could be less than 4 cups: So until we measure it, all we can say is “less than or equal to” 4 cups.

To show this, we add an extra line at the bottom of the “less than” or “greater than” symbol like this:

The “less than or equal to” sign:



The “greater than or equal to” sign:


All The Symbols

Here is a summary of all the symbols:



Example Use



1 + 1 = 2

not equal to

1 + 1 ≠ 1


greater than

5 > 2


less than

7 < 9

greater than or equal to

marbles ≥ 1

less than or equal to

dogs ≤ 3


Why Use Them?

Because there are things we do not know

… but can still say about.

So we have ways of saying what we do know (which may be useful!)

Example: John had 10 marbles, but lost some. How many has he now?

Answer: He must have less than 10:

Marbles < 10


If John still has some marbles we can also say he has greater than zero marbles:

Marbles > 0


But if we thought John could have lost all his marbles we would say

Marbles 0

In other words, the number of marbles is greater than or equal to zero.


We can sometimes say two (or more) things on the one line:

Example: Becky starts with $10, buys something and says “I got change, too”. How much did she spend?

Answer: Something greater than $0 and less than $10 (but NOT $0 or $10):

“What Becky Spends” > $0
“What Becky Spends” < $10

This can be written down in just one line:

$0 < “What Becky Spends” < $10

That says that $0 is less than “What Becky Spends” (in other words “What Becky Spends” is greater than $0) and what Becky Spends is also less than $10.

Notice that “>” was flipped over to “<” when we put it what Becky spends. Always make sure
the small end points to the small value.

Changing Sides

We saw in that previous example that when we change sides we flipped the symbol as well.

Becky Spends > $0
(Becky spends greater than $0)

is the same as this:
$0 < Becky Spends
($0 is less than what Becky spends)

Just make sure the small end points to the small value!


Here is another example using “≥” and “≤”:

Example: Becky has $10 and she is going shopping. How much will she spend (without using credit)?

Answer: Something greater than, or possibly equal to, $0 and less than, or possibly equal to, $10:

Becky Spends ≥ $0
Becky Spends ≤ $10

This can be written down in just one line:

$0 ≤ Becky Spends ≤ $10


A Long Example: Cutting Rope

Here is an interesting example I thought of:

Example: Sam cuts a 10m rope into two. How long is the longer piece? How long is the shorter piece?

Answer: Let us call the longer length of rope “L“, and the shorter length “S

L must be greater than 0m (otherwise it isn’t a piece of rope), and also less than 10m:

L > 0
L < 10


0 < L < 10

That says that L (the Longer length of rope) is between 0 and 10 (but not 0 or 10)


The same thing can be said about the shorter length “S“:

0 < S < 10


But I did say there was a “shorter” and “longer” length, so we also know:

S < L


We can combine all of that like this:

0 < S < L < 10

That says a lot:

Reading “backwards” we can also see:

It also lets us see that “S” is less than 10 (by “jumping over” the “L”), and even that 0<10 (which we know anyway), all in one statement.

NOW, I have one more trick. If Sam tried really hard he might be able to cut the rope EXACTLY in half, so each half is 5m, but we know he didn’t because we said there was a “shorter” and “longer” length, so we also know:




We can put that into our very neat statement here:

0 < S < 5 < L < 10

And IF we thought the two lengths MIGHT be exactly 5 we could change that to

0 < S ≤ 5 ≤ L < 10

An Example Using Algebra

OK, this example may be complicated if you don’t know Algebra, but I thought you might like to see it anyway:

Example: What is x+3, when we know that x is greater than 11?

x > 11 , x+3 > 14

(Imagine that “x” is the number of people at your party. If there are more than 11 people at your party, and 3 more arrive, then there must be more than 14 people at your party now.)


5250, 5251, 5252, 5253, 5254, 5255, 5256, 5257, 5258, 5259

[Update] Linux中cat、more、less、tail、head命令的区别 | more less – NATAVIGUIDES

一、cat 显示文件连接文件内容的工具

cat 是一个文本文件(查看)和(连接)工具,通常与more搭配使用,与more不同的是cat可以合并文件。查看一个文件的内容,用cat比较简单,就是cat后面直接接文件名。

如:root@ubuntu :/# cat /etc/passwd


1、cat 语法结构:

cat [选项] [文件]…



  -A, –show-all           等价于 -vET

  -b, –number-nonblank    对非空输出行编号

  -e                       等价于 -vE

  -E, –show-ends          在每行结束处显示 $

  -n, –number             对输出的所有行编号

  -s, –squeeze-blank      不输出多行空行

  -t                       与 -vT 等价

  -T, –show-tabs          将跳格字符显示为 ^I

  -u                       (被忽略)

  -v, –show-nonprinting   使用 ^ 和 M- 引用,除了 LFD 和 TAB 之外

      –help     显示此帮助信息并离开

2、cat 查看文件内容实例:

[ ~]# cat /etc/profile    注:查看/etc/目录下的profile文件内容;

[ ~]# cat -b /etc/fstab   注:查看/etc/目录下的profile内容,并且对非空白行进行编号,行号从1开始;

[ ~]# cat -n /etc/profile    注:对/etc目录中的profile的所有的行(包括空白行)进行编号输出显示;

[ ~]# cat -E /etc/profile     注:查看/etc/下的profile内容,并且在每行的结尾处附加$符号;


cat 加参数-n 和nl工具差不多,文件内容输出的同时,都会在每行前面加上行号;

[[email protected] ~]# cat -n /etc/profile

[[email protected] ~]# nl /etc/profile

cat 可以同时显示多个文件的内容,比如我们可以在一个cat命令上同时显示两个文件的内容;

[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/fstab /etc/profile


cat 对于内容极大的文件来说,可以通过管道|传送到more 工具,然后一页一页的查看;

[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/fstab /etc/profile | more


3、cat 的创建、连接文件功能实例:

cat 有创建文件的功能,创建文件后,要以EOF或STOP结束;

[[email protected] ~]# cat > << EOF 注:创建文件;

> 我来测试 cat 创建文件,并且为文件输入内容;       注:这是为文件输入内容;

> 北南南北 测试;                   注:这是为文件输入内容;

> EOF   注:退出编辑状态;

[[email protected] ~]# cat 注:我们查看一下文件的内容;

我来测试 cat 创建文件,并且为文件输入内容;

北南南北 测试;


cat 还有向已存在的文件追加内容的功能;

[[email protected] ~]# cat linuxsir.txt 注:查看已存在的文件linuxsir.txt 内容;

I am BeiNanNanBei From LinuxSir.Org .    注:内容行


[[email protected] ~]# cat >> linuxsir.txt << EOF   注:我们向linuxsir.txt文件追加内容;

> 我来测试cat向文档追加内容的功能;       注:这是追回的内容

> OK?

> OK~

> 北南 呈上

> EOF   注:以EOF退出;

[[email protected] ~]# cat linuxsir.txt 注:查看文件内容,看是否追回成功。

I am BeiNanNanBei From LinuxSir.Org .





北南 呈上

cat 连接多个文件的内容并且输出到一个新文件中;

假设我们有sir01.txt、sir02.tx和sir03.txt ,并且内容如下;

[[email protected] ~]# cat sir01.txt  


i am testing

[[email protected] ~]# cat sir02.txt


BeiNan Tested

[[email protected] ~]# cat sir03.txt

09876 testing


我想通过cat 把sir01.txt、sir02.txt及sir03.txt 三个文件连接在一起(也就是说把这三个文件的内容都接在一起)并输出到一个新的文件sir04.txt 中。

注意:其原理是把三个文件的内容连接起来,然后创建sir04.txt文件,并且把几个文件的内容同时写入sir04.txt中。特别值得一提的是,如果您输入到一个已经存在的sir04.txt 文件,会把sir04.txt内容清空。

[[email protected] ~]#
cat sir01.txt sir02.txt sir03.txt > sir04.txt

[[email protected] ~]# more sir04.txt


i am testing


BeiNan Tested

09876 testing


cat 把一个或多个已存在的文件内容,追加到一个已存在的文件中

[[email protected] ~]# cat sir00.txt forever

[[email protected] ~]# cat sir01.txt sir02.txt sir03.txt >> sir00.txt

[[email protected] ~]# cat sir00.txt forever


i am testing


BeiNan Tested

09876 testing


警告:我们要知道 > 意思是创建,>> 是追加。千万不要弄混了。造成失误可不是闹着玩的;

二、more 文件内容或输出查看工具

more 是我们最常用的工具之一,最常用的就是显示输出的内容,然后根据窗口的大小进行分页显示,然后还能提示文件的百分比;

[[email protected] ~]# more /etc/profile

1、more 的语法、参数和命令:

more [参数选项] [文件]


+num   从第num行开始显示;

-num   定义屏幕大小,为num行;

+/pattern   从pattern 前两行开始显示;

-c   从顶部清屏然后显示;

-d   提示Press space to continue, ‘q’ to quit.(按空格键继续,按q键退出),禁用响铃功能;

-l    忽略Ctrl+l (换页)字符;

-p    通过清除窗口而不是滚屏来对文件进行换页。和-c参数有点相似;

-s    把连续的多个空行显示为一行;

-u    把文件内容中的下划线去掉退出more的动作指令是q

2、more 的参数应用举例:

[[email protected] ~]# more -dc /etc/profile    注:显示提示,并从终端或控制台顶部显示;

[[email protected] ~]# more +4 /etc/profile      注:从profile的第4行开始显示;

[[email protected] ~]# more -4 /etc/profile      注:每屏显示4行;

[[email protected] ~]# more +/MAIL /etc/profile     注:从profile中的第一个MAIL单词的前两行开始显示;

3、more 的动作指令:

我们查看一个内容较大的文件时,要用到more的动作指令,比如ctrl+f(或空格键) 是向下显示一屏,ctrl+b是返回上一屏; Enter键可以向下滚动显示n行,要通过定,默认为1行;

我们只说几个常用的; 自己尝试一下就知道了;

Enter       向下n行,需要定义,默认为1行;

Ctrl+f    向下滚动一屏;

空格键          向下滚动一屏;

Ctrl+b  返回上一屏;

=         输出当前行的行号;

:f      输出文件名和当前行的行号;

v      调用vi编辑器;

! 命令            调用Shell,并执行命令;

q     退出more当我们查看某一文件时,想调用vi来编辑它,不要忘记了v动作指令,这是比较方便的;


比如我们列一个目录下的文件,由于内容太多,我们应该学会用more来分页显示。这得和管道 | 结合起来,比如:

[[email protected] ~]# ls -l /etc |more

三、less 查看文件内容 工具

less 工具也是对文件或其它输出进行分页显示的工具,应该说是linux正统查看文件内容的工具,功能极其强大;您是初学者,我建议您用less。由于less的内容太多,我们把最常用的介绍一下;


less [参数] 文件



-c 从顶部(从上到下)刷新屏幕,并显示文件内容。而不是通过底部滚动完成刷新;

-f 强制打开文件,二进制文件显示时,不提示警告;

-i 搜索时忽略大小写;除非搜索串中包含大写字母;

-I 搜索时忽略大小写,除非搜索串中包含小写字母;

-m 显示读取文件的百分比;

-M 显法读取文件的百分比、行号及总行数;

-N 在每行前输出行号;

-p pattern 搜索pattern;比如在/etc/profile搜索单词MAIL,就用 less -p MAIL /etc/profile

-s 把连续多个空白行作为一个空白行显示;

-Q 在终端下不响铃;



[[email protected] ~]# less -N    /etc/profile



进入less后,我们得学几个动作,这样更方便 我们查阅文件内容;最应该记住的命令就是q,这个能让less终止查看文件退出;


回车键 向下移动一行;

y 向上移动一行;

空格键 向下滚动一屏;

b 向上滚动一屏;

d 向下滚动半屏;

h less的帮助;

u 向上洋动半屏;

w 可以指定显示哪行开始显示,是从指定数字的下一行显示;比如指定的是6,那就从第7行显示;

g 跳到第一行;

G 跳到最后一行;

p n% 跳到n%,比如 10%,也就是说比整个文件内容的10%处开始显示;

/pattern 搜索pattern ,比如 /MAIL表示在文件中搜索MAIL单词;

v 调用vi编辑器;

q 退出less

!command 调用SHELL,可以运行命令;比如!ls 显示当前列当前目录下的所有文件;


就less的动作来说,内容太多了,用的时候查一查man less是最好的。在这里就不举例子了;

四、head 工具,显示文件内容的前几行

head 是显示一个文件的内容的前多少行;


head -n 行数值 文件名;


[[email protected] ~]# head -n 10 /etc/profile

五、tail 工具,显示文件内容的最后几行

tail 是显示一个文件的内容的最后多少行;


tail   -n 行数值 文件名;


[[email protected] ~]# tail -n 5 /etc/profile

tail -f /var/log/syslog 显示文件 syslog 的后十行内容并在文件内容增加后,且自动显示新增的文件内容。




12 Ways that Less is More | Minimalism

12 Ways that Less is More | Minimalism
In this video, I share 12 ways that minimalism has benefited my life and how less is more. Beginning to live simply can be one of the best things we can do for ourselves and for our space, and these twelve ideas of simple living or ways to simplify your life have added immense value to my life. I hope you will be able to see why less is more and give minimalism a try in your own life! 🙂
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If you are looking for plantbased recipes that are healthy and simple to make, check out Sarah’s cookbook, Eat Simple:
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Abundantly Minimal is all about helping people live their best lives with less, whether that is through decluttering their spaces, living more intentionally, or allocating their time, energy, and finances towards what actually matters. For more ideas and resources to apply minimalism to your own life, head over to
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นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูความรู้เพิ่มเติมที่นี่

12 Ways that Less is More | Minimalism

Ngữ pháp – Phần 1: Mệnh lệnh cách với more và less

Ngữ pháp - Phần 1: Mệnh lệnh cách với more và less

#2 | UNIT 2 – TIẾNG ANH 7 | Cách dùng MORE \u0026 LESS

#2 | UNIT 2 - TIẾNG ANH 7 | Cách dùng MORE \u0026 LESS

1st Grade Math: 1 More Than, 1 Less Than Problems

Hey! For the parents with older children as well… if you have a child transitioning from middle school to high school and your student struggles with Algebra, as many of us did check this link out for a little help to establish a strong math foundation for H.S.

The link below will take you to some handouts that you can use for more practice with your student!!

Follow me on instagram:

Help your student understand how to answer the questions:
What is 1 more than 5?
What is 1 less than 5?
1 more than 5 is ___.
1 less than 5 is ___.
What is 2 more than 5?
What is 2 less than 5?
2 more than 5 is ___.
2 less than 5 is ___.
We recommend to practice counting forwards and backwards fluently first. Then, practice finding 1 more and 1 less. You can gradually increase the number more, or the number less, as you practice.

The goal … is for the student to see 2 things.
First, they should be able to interpret 1 more than 5 as an addition expression and to interpret 1 less than 5 as a subtraction expression.
Second, they should be able to see that finding 1 more than a number … (like 5) is the same as finding 1 number after the number 5. And, 1 less than a number … (like 5) is the same as finding 1 number before the number 5.

Thanks for watching!!
Danielle the Tutor

1st Grade Math: 1 More Than, 1 Less Than Problems

UNKLE – Feel More / With Less (feat. Liela Moss, Miink \u0026 Philip Sheppard)

Taken from the new album ‘The Road: Part II / Lost Highway’, OUT NOW:
Directed by Tupac Martir / Edit by Euan McGrath / Producer Lilian Hess \u0026 Alex Leyva / Dancer Sonya Cullingford
Satore Studio \u0026 Satore Tech

UNKLE - Feel More / With Less (feat. Liela Moss, Miink \u0026 Philip Sheppard)

นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูวิธีอื่นๆLEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGE

ขอบคุณที่รับชมกระทู้ครับ more less

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