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Home » [Update] استخدام فعل ( يملك / لديه ) Verb to Have | verb have – NATAVIGUIDES

[Update] استخدام فعل ( يملك / لديه ) Verb to Have | verb have – NATAVIGUIDES

verb have: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้

استخدامات وتصريف الفعل has have had

شرح و أمثلة وجمل على verb to have

 (For Showing Possession )   

verb to have شرح 

نستخدم الفعل Have   للتعبير عن  ملكية الاشياء Possession  ، فى زمن المضارع البسيط ، لاحظ ان : مصدر الفعل ( يملك / لديه  ) هو كلمة Have  ، هناك تصريفان للفعل Have    فى زمن المضارع البسيط  ، وهم  has  و have   ومعناهما  (يملك / لديه )

نستخدم  الفعل has   ( يملك )    مع الضمائر he –she –it  – اسم مفرد ( يمكن ان نكتب الفعل has  بشكل مختصر هكذا  (   ‘s  

نستخدم الفعل have   ( يملك ) مع الضمائر    I –we- you – they – اسم جمع ( يمكن ان نكتب  have  مختصرا هكذا  ‘ve  )

أمثلة : I   have a car.      /  Heba has a book .     /

We have a blue kite          / Ali has 3 brothers

They have a  new cupboard .

  • Practice

    : //  Complete with a suitable verb :

  • –  Ali  …………… a new shirt .   /  You  ……….. five pencils .

  • –  They  ………       a  good  bike. /    Heba ……   50 pounds .

  •  – The  teacher …………….. three books .


نفى الفعل ( have / has  )  بمعنى (يملك ) : اذا كان لدينا الفعلين have / has  بمعنى (يملك ) ، فاننا نضع أحد الفعلين المساعدين don’t /doesn’t بمعنى ( لا ) فى الجملة ثم نضع بعدهما مصدر الفعل ( يملك ) وهو كلمة Have    ———- الامثلة ،

Ali  has  a   book      – Ali  

doesn’t    have

  a  book .

WE have  a bag  – We  don’t   have   a   bag/  Heba has  a cat  – Heba doesn’t  have a cat .

Practice  :  / Turn the positive verb to a negative one   :

  1. – we


    a big house . ( We …………………………………)

  2. –  He


      a pencil .   (He ……………………………………..)

  3. – They  


      some  pens .( They ……………………………)

  4. لتكوين سؤال عن ملكية    ا

    لاشياء    يبدأ ب


      بمعنى (

    هل يملك  /هل لديه

     ) فى زمن

    المضارع البسيط


وهذا بشرطين وهما  1 – أن تبدا الاجابة ب yes  /no      2 – ان يكون الفعل الموجود فى الاجابة بمعنى( يملك ) هو احد الفعلين  have  او  has  ، وليس  have got  أو has got    ،فاننا  بعد تحقق هذين الشرطين    —  نكون السؤال  كالاتى  :

Do / Does     هل +   +    الفاعل     have     يملك   ?

الامثلة : Does Ali have a car ?   – Yes ,he has  /No , he doesn’t have a car  .

Do  you have  sisters ?                       Yes , l have  3 sisters .        / No ,l don’t have sisters    .

Practice :  //  Complete the questions :

  1. – ……………….. have a coat  ?       – No ,l don’t have a coat .

3- ……. have  a good car ?   yes , you have  a very good car  .

4  –  ……. A new  pencil case ? – No ,we don’t have a new one

نستخدم التركيب    have got   /    has got    للتعبير عن الملكية للاشياء بمعنى (يملك )

لاحظ ان : استخدام have got  و has got  يستخدم اكثر فى اللهجة البريطانية Br E ، كما انه شائع فى اللغة غيرالرسميةInformal Language  ، ولهما نفس معنى ونفس استخدام    have و  has

لاحظ ان : نستخدم have got  ( يملك ) مع I – we – you – they – اسم جمع (يمكن ان تختصر ل ‘ve   got     )

نستخدم has got  ( يملك ) مع he – she – it   –  اسم مفرد   –  ( يمكن ان تختصر ل  ‘s  got     )

الامثلة : the boy has got a blue shirt                /

We have got a house            /  Heba has got a dress

I have got / ‘ve  got  a notebook                  .//  

 Ali has got/ ‘s got  5 cousins                              

  • Practice



    Complete the sentences


  •  – Heba  …………..  a cake .         /   We ……  a nice   TV .

  • –  I …………………  2 aunts .      /    I  ……….  10 fingers  

  • –   The  girls ……………….  New handbags .

*************************************************************************   نفى التعبير  

have got / has got    

، نقوم بوضع  

not / n’t

 بعد  الفعل have / has   ،أمثلة :

Ali   has got    a car /                                                        

Ali   hasn’t / has not  got a car .

I  have got   two brothers  .

 I  haven’t   / have not   got two brothers

  • Practice

    :  /

    Change the positive sentence  into negative

  • We have got  a puppy  . (We ……………………………….)

  • Ali  has got  a nice  kite .  (Ali ………………………………..)

لتكوين سؤال عن الملكية يبدأ ب هل   ( هل تملك  / هل لديك ) باستخدام التركيب have  got / has got  : يكون تركيب  السؤال كالاتى  :

Have / Has   هل   + الفاعل    +  got   يملك   / لديه    اسم الشئ المملوك  + ?

أمثلة :   

                Has   Heba  got a rubber ?       – Yes ,    she has one .

Have   the boys got a ball  ?           – No , they  haven’t  got one             


  • Practice : //

    Complete the question



  • ……………….got brothers  ?  – Yes , I   have 4 brother

  • ………….got  a  green pair of trousers  ?- No ,  he hasn’t got  

  • ……………… got  a toy plane ? –  Yes  , we  have got one  .

  • –  ……………. Got  a beautiful  garden ? – Yes , the girls have got a garden .

استخدام  الفعل Have  (v to have فيرب تو هاف )  كفعل اساسى بمعنى يملك   State Verb( مع زمن الماضى البسيط )

لاحظ ان : الفعل Verb to Have  والذى يستخدم كفعل اساسى فى الجملة بمعنى <يملك > ( بالاضافة لمعانى اخرى ، ستذكر تباعاً ) / المصدر منه هو كلمة ( have ) / وله تصريفين فى زمن المضارع البسيط وهما ( have / has )   ، وله تصريف واحد فى زمن الماضى البسيط وهو ( had )

نستخدم الفعل had   كفعل اساسى فى الجملة بمعنى ( كان يملك )  للدلالة على ملكية شئ معين فى زمن الماضى ، وهو يستخدم  مع جميع ضمائر الفاعل 0   ———-  أمثلة :

Ali had a car last year .            /             

  We had three cats , but    we lost   them

لنفى الفعل had   :  ( كان يملك / كان عنده ) نضع فى الجملة بدلا منه  didn’t have  ومعناها / ( لم يكن يملك / لم يكن عنده )   

أمثلة She had a dress                        / She didn’t have a dress           We had five pencils                   / we didn’t have 5 pencils                  

  • Practice :  //

    Change the positive verb to a negative one



  • – We


    a big house . ( We ……………………………….)

  • 2 –  I  


    a yellow jacket . ( I ………………………………..)

لتكوين سؤال عن الملكية يبدأ ب هل باستخدام الفعل Had   ،  ويكون تكوين السؤال كالاتى

Did    كان   +    الفاعل    +    هل have    (  يملك / لديه )  + اسم الشئ المملوك   ?

أمثلة :  Did  Ali have a shirt ?                   – Yes , he had a shirt         / No ,he didn’t have a shirt .

Did the boys have a pet  ?            – yes , they had . /                    no, they didn’t have .


  • Practice :

    Complete the question



  • – …………………… have a  hat? – Yes , he had a hat .

  • – ………………… have a  tree ? – No , we didn’t have a tree .

لاحظ ان   :

/ فى اللهجة البريطانية Br E  ( وهذه تعتبر لغة غير شائعة الاستخدام / غير معتادة فى الاستخدام ، ولكنها صحيحة لغوياً )، يمكننا نفى الفعل have /has  (يملك ) عن طريق وضع  n’t  بعدهم مباشرة    ، مثال                                                                                 Ali  hasn’t a book       على ليس لديه كتاب     /  الاولاد لا يملكون كرة

 ./ The boys haven’t  a ball  . وكذلك يمكن تكوين سؤال عن الملكية بمعنى ( هل 00000 يملك  ؟ ) بهذه الصيغة  ، وهى :

Has Ali a book ?  هل على يملك كتاب  

 /  هل الاولاد لديهم /يملكون ساعة يد    /// Have the boys a watch  ?

استخدام الفعل Verb to Have   كفعل يدل على  القيام بأفعال / أحداث (فعل حركى /أدائى )   Action Verb  وليس بمعنى ( يملك / لديه )  للدلالة على الملكية

نستخدم الفعليين have / has  بمعانى أخرى ( بخلاف المعنى السابق وهو :   يملك )  مع  تعبيرا ت معينة  :

أمثلة 1- have   + اسم وجبة غذائية (فطار  غداء  عشاء ) تكون بمعنى (يأكل ) / have lunch  يأكل الفطار

2- have   + اسم مشروب   – تكون بمعنى يشرب / have  tea    يشرب الشاى

3-  have  + كلمتىshower / (دش)  / دش ) bath  –  تكون have  هنا بمعنى  (يأخذ )

4- have  +  كلمة  accident  ( حادثة )  -تكون have   هنا بمعنى ( يتعرض ل )

5- have + كلمة party  (حفلة ) – تكون have  هنا بمعنى ( يقيم )

6 – have + كلمة  time   ( وقت) او اسم اى فترة زمنية    – تكون have   هنا بمعنى  ( يقضى)

7- have + اسم اى ( مرض (  – تكون have  هنا بمعنى ( يصاب ب ) / مثال have cold  <  يصاب  بنزلة برد >

لاحظ ان : لنفى الجملة التى بها الفعل have  كفعل حركى / أدائى ـ فاننا نضع الفعل المنفى  don’t / doesn’t  بمعنى ( لا ) ونضع بعده مصدر الفعل  have  وهو كلمة  have     ————- أمثلة :

I  have breakfast at 7 o’clock every morning                                 – I

don’t have

breakfast at 7 o’clock  

Ali  has a lot of parties  –  Ali doesn’t have  many parties during the summer.

لاحظ ان   : لعمل سؤال ب هل ـ اذا كان الفعل الموجود  فى الاجابة هو الفعل have  وهو مستخدم كفعل حركى /ادائى (بأى معنى من المعانى السابقة ) < وليس بمعنى   يملك  > ، فاننا نكون السؤال  بالطريقة الاتية :

Do    /   does      +   الفاعل  +   هل  have        مفعول به   + ?

 أمثلة Does Ali have lunch at  7?     / Yes , he has lunch at 7   .                                        

Does Heba  have a party every weekend ?                                             —  Yes , she does

     لاحظ أن : لا يمكن استخدام التركيب  have got  بدلا من الفعل  have  اذا استخدمنا الفعل  have  فى الجملة كفعل ( حركى / ادائى )فيمكن ان نقول  Ali has lunch  ولكن لا يمكن ان قول Ali has got lunch   

    • Practice

      : / Complete the question :

    • – ………………… have cold every winter ?   / Yes  , he does .

    •  – ………………. Have a good time in Sohag ? – Yes , I do .

    • –  ……………………… have a cup of coffee every morning ?  Yes ,she does .


  • Practice :

    Complete the sentences



1  –  Ali ………….. accidents , when   he drives cars .

/  I ……….. a meal at 5  a.m .

2 –  The men  ……………… flu when they swim in sea .


  • Practice :

    Turn the positive sentence to negative one



  • –  Ali


    a nice time with friends . ( Ali …………………….)

  • -We  


    shower in the  afternoon .(  We ……………….)

  • –  They  


      hot  drinks .(  They ………………………….)

انتهى درس :

استخدامات وتصريف الفعل has have had

شرح و أمثلة وجمل على verb to have

[NEW] The verb to have | verb have – NATAVIGUIDES

The Verb To Have

Forms of To Have


I / you / we / they




he / she / it




Have is one of the most common verbs in the English language. It functions in various ways.

To have as a main verb

As a main verb “to have” implies the meaning of possession.

For example: “I have a job.” “I have a car.“ “I don’t have any time.”

When it is used to indicate possession you can say “I have…” or you might see/ hear “I have

When you are talking about actions, you only use “have”.

For example:


I have a shower in my bathroom, I don’t have a bath. = I have got a shower in my bathroom. I haven’t got a bath.

The action:-

I have a shower every day. – I’m having a shower now.

!Note – it does not take the continuous form “I having” – for that you have to use the auxiliary verb be.

For example: “I am having a shower.” “Are you having a good time?”

The forms of the verb “to have” are have and has for the present and had for the past.

Positive Statement (spoken)
Negative Statement (spoken)

Do I have …?
Have I got …?
I have
I have not
(I haven’t/I’ve not)

Does he / she / it have…?
Has he/she/it got …?
He/she/it has
(He/she/it ‘s)
He/she/it has not
(He/she/it hasn’t)

Do you have …?
Have you got …?
You have
You have not
(You haven’t/You’ve not)

Did I / he / she / it have …?
Had I / he / she / it / you got…?
I / He / She / It / You had
(I’d / He’d / She’d / You’d)
I / He / She / It / You had not
(I / He / She / It / You hadn’t)


Do we / you / they have …?
Have we / you / they got …?
We / You / They have
(We’ve / You’ve / They’ve)
We / You / They have not
(We / You / They haven’t // We’ve nof / You’ve not They’ve not)

Do you have …?
Have you got …?
You have
You have not
(You haven’t/You’ve not)

Do they have …?
Have they got …?
They have
They have not
(They haven’t/They’ve not)

Did we / you / they have …?
Had we / you / they got … ?
We / You / They had
(We’d / You’d / They’d)
I / He / She / It / You had not
(I / He / She / It / You hadn’t)



Have got

Question – ?
“Do you a car?”
” a car?”

Positive Answer –
“Yes, a car.”
“Yes a car.”

Negative Answer –
“No, a car.”
“Noa car.”

To have as an auxiliary verb

The verb “to have” is used as an auxiliary verb to help other verbs create the perfect tense – auxiliary verb have [+ past participle].

For example, “I have read a lot of books,” or “I have never been to America,” or “I have already eaten.”

Present Perfect

I have been a teacher for over 11 years.
You have been a student for …
He / She has been a student for …
It has been nice today.
We have been students for ….
They have been students for …

Past Perfect

I had been a teacher for several years.
You had been a student for several years.
He / She had been a student for several years.
It had been nice for several hours.
We had been students for several years.
They had been students for several years.

Future Perfect

I will have been a teacher for several years.
You will have been a student for several years.
He / She will have been a student for several years.
It will have been nice for several years.
We will have been students for several years.
They will have been students for several years.


Positive Statement
Negative Statement (possible short forms)


Have you been …?
You have been …
(You’ve been …)
You have not been … (You haven’t been … // You’ve not been …)


Have we / you / they been …?
We / You / They have been …
(We’ve / You’ve They’ve been …)
We / You / They have not been …
(We / You / They haven’t been … // We’ve / You’ve They’ve not been …)

For example:

Question – ?
“Have you washed your face today?”

Positive Answer –
” Yes, I have.”

Negative Answer –
” No, I haven’t.”

Question – ?
“Have you ever had a heart attack?”

Positive Answer –
” Yes, I’m afraid I have.”

Negative Answer –
” No, thank goodness, I haven’t.”

The use of have to

In addition to the two forms, there is another use for have as a modal verb; have to or have got to. This, of course, must be followed by another verb “We have to do something“.

Have to
Have got to

Question – ?
“Do you leave early?”
“leave early?”

Positive Answer –
“Yes to.” or “Yes I do”
“Yes to.”

Negative Answer –
“No to.”

To have something done

If something is done for you, in other words you haven’t actually done it yourself, we use the structure “to have something done”.

For example:-

“He had a tooth out.” (Only a masochist would go pull their own teeth out. We go to the dentist and he or she pulls our teeth out for us.)

“I have my hair cut once every six weeks.” (I don’t cut my own hair, my hairdresser cuts it for me.)

“My husband has the car serviced once a year.” (He wouldn’t have a clue how to service a modern car so, he takes it to the garage and they service it for us.)

Reviewing have /has and a challenge 🙂

Review the topic of have /has
Watch the video and complete the exercises . Complete with have or has according to the picture.
have has

นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูความรู้เพิ่มเติมที่นี่

Reviewing have /has and a challenge :)

الفعل المساعد ( have ) في اللغه الانجليزيه

أهلا بك في درس جديد من دروس أونلاين , ان شاء الله النهاردا هنتكلم من الفعل المساعد have . ويعبير Verb to have من أكتر الحاجات اللي بنشوفها في الانجليزي لأنه بيكون ازمنه كتير وساعات بنشوف حاجات زي:
I have had dinner او After I had had dinner , I had a cup of tea
ودول من الحاجات اللي بتسبب ارباك لناس كتير لكن ان شاء الله بعد الدرس دا الموضوع هيبقي عندك أسهل مما تتخيل
وضروري تشوف الدروس اللي فاتت عن الافعال المساعده الباقيه :
الافعال المساعده في اللغه الانجليزيه ( be do have )
الفعل المساعد ( be ) في اللغه الانجليزيه

الفعل المساعد ( do ) في اللغه الانجليزيه

صفحتنا علي فيسبوك:
وهذا الايميل الشخصي لي:
[email protected]
وهذا هو موقعنا:

الفعل المساعد ( have ) في اللغه الانجليزيه

Learn English Grammar: \”to have\” in the present tense

You HAVE to watch this lesson! You will learn how to use the commonly confused irregular verb \”to have\” in positive, negative, and question forms. The verb \”to have\” is very important because it is used on its own and as a helping verb. If you’re a beginner, learn to use this important verb correctly from the start! If you’re more advanced, review the conjugation of \”to have\” to make sure you know this verb perfectly. Next, take the quiz at and make sure you don’t have any mistakes!
Hi. I’m Rebecca from engVid. In the next few minutes you’re going to master one of the most important verbs in the English language, and that’s the verb \”to have\”. Now, not only is it one of the most important verbs because we use it so often for so many different things, it’s also, unfortunately, a verb where a lot of students make mistakes, especially at a basic level. And sometimes these basic mistakes can cause problems even down the road when you reach advanced levels. So, whether you’re a beginner student, or intermediate, or advanced please watch and just make sure you know it; and if you’re reviewing it, make sure that you review it really, really well. Okay? So, here we go.
So, with the verb \”to have\”, one of the reasons it’s so important is because we use it not only as a basic verb by itself, but we also use it as a helping verb. All right? When we use it as a basic verb by itself, we can use it to show possession; what somebody has, what somebody owns. For example, you could talk about an object that you have, a thing that you have. You could say: \”I have a car.\” You could talk about somebody’s features, or qualities, or characteristics. For example: \”She has nice hair.\” Or you could talk about relationships that people have, for example: \”They have children.\” Okay? You can also use the verb \”to have\” to talk about actions, and we use this a lot. Like: \”I… I have a shower every day. I have dinner at 7 o’clock.\” Or: \”He has a lot of meetings today.\” Right? So, we use it in so many different ways. And, of course, as I said, we also use it in more advanced ways as a helping verb in our perfect tenses. For example: \”I have done my homework.\” Okay?
So, let’s begin understanding exactly how this simple verb is structured. All right. So, I’ve divided the board into three sections: positive, negative, and questions. So, you’ll learn exactly how to use it in all three situations, and those are the only situations. Okay? So, first: \”I have\”, \”You have\”, \”We have\”, and \”They have\”. With these four pronouns, we say: \”have\”, and that’s our base form of the verb, and that’s what we use here.
But where does it change, and where do most of the mistakes happen? They happen, here. For: \”he\”, \”she\”, and \”it\”, we don’t say \”have\”. We have to say: \”has\”. \”He has a car.\”, \”She has a car.\”, \”It has a camera.\” Okay? Your cellphone, for example. All right? So, make sure that you remember this, because this part is very important. You will see that actually we don’t have \”has\” in any other section of this entire structure, but we do have it here. Okay? I’ll come back to it.
Now, what happens when we make the sentence negative? So, instead of saying: \”I have a camera\”, you can say: \”I don’t have a camera.\” What is \”don’t\”? \”Don’t\” is short for \”do not\”, but when we’re speaking, we just shorten it, we contract it, and it becomes \”don’t\”. \”I don’t have a camera, you don’t have a camera, we don’t have a camera, and they don’t have a camera, so we’re not going to take any pictures.\” Okay? All right. \”Don’t have\”.
Now, what happens when we’re saying: \”he\”, \”she\”, or \”it\”? Now, two things happen. First of all, we have to use a different word, here. We don’t say: \”do not\”, we say: \”does not\”. When we shorten it, it becomes: \”He doesn’t\”. And then you come back to the base form of the verb, so you say: \”He doesn’t have\”. Not: \”He doesn’t has\”, which is a mistake that many students make, but you’re coming back to the base form of the verb. Look at all the places where we see the base form of the verb. Okay? Here, here, here, here, here. So, where do we not have the base form of the verb? Only with: \”he\”, \”she\”, and \”it\” in the positive sentence. Okay? So, let’s come back: \”He doesn’t have a car.\”, \”She doesn’t have a car.\”, and \”It doesn’t have a camera.\” Okay? That’s the negative.
Now, if you want to ask a question, then, again, we’re going to use the words: \”do\” and \”does\”. So, here: \”Do I have…?\”, \”Do you have…?\”, \”Do we have…?\”, \”Do they have…?\” All right? And with: \”he\”, \”she\”, and \”it\”, you have to use the word \”does\”. \”Does he have a camera?\”, \”Does she have a cellphone?\”, \”Does it have an air conditioner?\” Okay? The… The room. All right?

Learn English Grammar: \

PAST MODALS: could have | may have | might have | must have | should have | would have – GRAMMAR

Modal Verbs | past modals | could have | may have | might have | must have | should have | would have
Hi Everyone!
In today’s video, we are going to look at PAST MODALS. I know there can be some confusion between ‘could have | may have | might have | must have’ should have | would have’, so in today’s lesson, I am going to explain the difference stepbystep.
I’ll also help you PRONOUNCE these structures in a very natural way.
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I hope this lesson is helpful! Thank you very much for watching 😊

PAST MODALS: could have | may have | might have | must have | should have | would have - GRAMMAR

Gogo loves English – Have you got a ruler ?

Gogo loves English Have you got a ruler ?

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Gogo loves English Have you got a ruler ?
Gogo loves English Have you got a ruler ?

Gogo loves English - Have you got a ruler ?

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