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[NEW] Giới Thiệu TVB Một Thời Để Nhớ | เวลา italy – NATAVIGUIDES

(Reading time: 3 – 5 minutes)


Lời đầu tiên mình xin chân thành cảm ơn các bạn đã ghé thăm và đọc bài viết của mình.

Đây là nơi dành cho những hoài niệm đẹp, những ký ức tuổi thơ của thế hệ 80s 90s. Với mong muốn đâu đó thông qua lời văn của mình, có thể cùng các bạn trong chốc lát hồi tưởng lại đoạn thanh xuân tươi đẹp của chúng ta.

Mình cũng hy vọng qua những câu chuyện mình kể. Các bạn sẽ thấu hiểu hơn một chút những người mà mình ái mộ, tự chiêm nghiệm những suy nghĩ riêng cho bản thân. Như “pháo hoa” vậy, rực rỡ rồi cũng sẽ vụt tắt. Vạn vật trên đời có thịnh có suy, nhưng hình ảnh đẹp đẽ nhất của nó sẽ mãi in hằn trong ký ức. 



Nam Diễn Viên Hong Kong

Câu chuyện Hồng Kông – Tôi là Hà Quốc Vinh

(Reading time: 6 – 12 minutes)

Tôi là Quốc Vinh. Tôi đến từ Queensland – Úc. Khi còn học Trung học tôi đạt điểm rất cao, với điểm số này thì tôi có thể đăng ký vào bất kỳ trường Đại học nào tại Úc. Lúc ấy, tôi hy vọng rằng mình có thể trở thành bác sĩ, vì có thể giúp ích cho người khác. Tôi được nhận vào Đại học New South Wales và theo học ngành Y.

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鄧一君 John Đặng Nhất Quân

(Reading time: 5 – 10 minutes)

Thế hệ xem phim truyền hình Hồng Kông ngày xưa có thể dễ dàng nhận ra Đặng Nhất Quân trong nháy mắt. Anh ấy đã hoạt động trong làng giải trí nhiều năm, cùng chúng ta trưởng thành. Hiện tại, hiếm khi Đặng Nhất Quân xuất hiện trước công chúng. Nhưng khi nghĩ về những tác phẩm tuyệt vời anh ấy đã đóng trong quá khứ, mọi người sẽ vẫn nhớ Đặng Nhất Quân.

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溫兆倫 Deric Ôn Triệu Luân “Nửa đời phong lưu”

(Reading time: 7 – 14 minutes)

Vào thập niên 80 – 90, có một người đàn ông đã chiếm được trái tim của thiên vạn thiếu nữ, tên anh ta là Ôn Triệu Luân. Ở thời đại đó, Ôn Triệu Luân có thể được coi là “đỉnh lưu”, danh khí có thể sánh ngang với “Tứ Đại Thiên Vương”. Ôn Triệu Luân đã tham gia vô số phim truyền hình, hết vai diễn này đến vai diễn khác, cả chính lẫn tà. Để lại bao kỷ ức đẹp cho cả một thế hệ.

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Nữ Diễn Viên Hong Kong

邵美琪 Maggie Thiệu Mỹ Kỳ – Lãnh diễm mỹ nhan

(Reading time: 8 – 15 minutes)

Khi nhắc đến những người đẹp Hồng Kông ngày xưa, trong tâm trí mỗi người đều có ứng cử viên của riêng mình. Có người thích Lý Nhược Đồng – nàng “Tiểu Long Nữ” tiên khí phiên phiêu. Có người thích Chu Nhân – Tử Hà tiên tử thông minh, hoạt bát. Người thì thích Lý Gia Hân với vẻ minh diễm kinh động nhân tâm. Một số khác thích Lê Tư nũng nịu, đáng yêu. 

Tôi phải nói rằng thời đại đó tinh quang lấp lánh, có quá nhiều mỹ nhân mang vẻ đẹp tự nhiên xuất hiện. Vẻ đẹp của Thiệu Mỹ Kỳ không quá tuyệt trần, nhưng ở cô có nét riêng khó tả khiến mọi người ấn tượng sâu sắc về nữ diễn viên này.

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文頌嫻 Văn Tụng Nhàn

(Reading time: 5 – 10 minutes)

Nói đến phim truyền hình mà Văn Tụng Nhàn đã đóng, thế hệ thập niên 80-90 chắc hẳn đã xem qua. Chẳng hạn như vai “Dương Bài Phong” trong Mục (Mộc) Quế Anh đại phá Thiên Môn Trận, “Chúc Hiểu Liên” muội muội trong Tứ Đại Tài Tử, “Diệp Khả Nhân” trong Chuyên Gia Đàm Phán, Đốn Châu trong Cẩm Tú Lương Duyên (Hương Sắc Cuộc Đời).

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陳秀雯 Amy Trần Tú Văn – Tật phong tri kình thảo

(Reading time: 9 – 17 minutes)

Với nhiều người thì ngoại hình của Trần Tú Văn không quá xinh đẹp nhưng vẫn có thể thâm nhập nhân tâm. Nét đẹp dịu dàng hiền thục, rất phù hợp với hình mẫu xứng đáng lấy làm vợ vào thời Dân Quốc. Còn với mái tóc ngắn, Trần Tú Văn mang hình tượng cô gái Hồng Kông điển hình với sự nghiệp thành công. 

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ตบกายหงิด!! ดวลROV แพ้กินปลาหมึกราดพริก200เม็ด!!! - Epic Toys

HOW TO BEHAVE IN ITALY: 10 Things you should NEVER DO when you go to Italy. Italian Etiquette

Italian etiquette? Exactly! Remember these basic rules and please avoid doing them when you are in Italia next time
00:00 WELCOME to ITALY 🇮🇹
01:02 Don’t Buy Drinking Water in Rome
02:14 Don’t Expect Everyone to Speak English in Italy
03:49 Don’t Expect Swiss Punctuality in Italy
05:04 Don’t Assume all Italians are related to Mafia
06:00 Don’t Catch Taxi in Italy on the side of the road
06:58 Don’t Toss Coins in EVERY Fountain in Rome
07:55 Don’t Wear Inappropriate Clothes visiting Churches
10:06 Don’t Order Cappuccino after 11am in Italy
12:43 Don’t Put Cheese on any Dish fountains Fish or Seafood
14:29 NEVER DO IN ITALY: Bonus Advice
When you go abroad, you tend to notice many small details that – from your point of view – may seem strange or incomprehensible.
Different habits and cultures, customs, traditions and behaviours can affect positively or negatively.
✅ 1 Don’t buy drinking water in Rome
Did you know that Rome is blessed with more than 2,500 drinking fountains, known as nasoni, which provide residents and visitors with free fresh water all year round.
Why are Rome’s drinking fountains called nasoni?
The iconic fountains, also known as fontanelle, get their nasoni (\”big nose\”) name from the curved metal spout which pours cool fresh water round the clock.
✅ 2 Don’t think you can just speak English everywhere in Italy (and that everyone will understand you)
In Italy English isn’t spoken very widely, so don’t get your hopes up. You will not have any problem travelling in the most famous and touristic cities, but in the rest of Italy, the situation is different.
I would highly advise you asking a person you want to talk to: Parli Inglese? which means do you speak English?
✅ 3 Don’t expect Swiss punctuality in Italy
Time in Italy is elastic.
Many shops and facilities close at lunchtime (and also many restaurants) and at least two days a week. Always check that the place you want to visit or where you want to eat is open.

✅ 4 Don’t assume all Italians are related to Mafia
The majority of Italians have no problem with talking about it but it is quite offensive to assume they’re all related to murderers and corruptors.
\”Pizza, mafia e Berlusconi?\” The image of the country in the eyes of a foreigner is often accompanied by numerous (unfounded) stereotypes.
✅ 5 Don’t call the taxi as if you were in \”Sex and the City\”. I mean don’t raise your hand trying to stop a taxi as we usually do in England or in the United States.
In Italy you can’t stop a taxi on the street, by simply raising your hand. You have to call or go to special stops and wait.
✅ 6 Don’t toss your coins in every fountain in Rome!
The only fountain in Rome you supposed to toss your coins is Fontana di TREVI.
The rest more than 2 000 fountains here leave them alone and please do not toss anything into them!
✅ 7 Don’t wear shorts, tank top or flipflops when visiting a church. You better don’t wear flipflops at all in big cities like Roma and Milano.
In sacred places in Italy you must be dressed appropriately and it is not possible to enter with clothes as if you were at the beach.
Did you know that Italy has 3 official religions?
✅ 8 Do not order your cappuccino after 11am in Italy
Cappuccino is a morning drink and if you order it after 11am or even after 12 noon — aww you are such a tourist!
So yes, remember! Cappuccino is considered one most famous Italian drinks for breakfast and is often consumed in the morning with cornetto or a sweety pastry.
✅ 9 Don’t put cheese on a pasta that contains fish or seafood
In Italy, this offense is comparable to high treason. Italians have a very strong relationship with food and extremely precise ideas about what can and cannot be done. This is one of the things that should never be done.
✅ 10 Don’t cut your spaghetti with a knife and fork, ever
Don’t cut spaghetti!!! Non in Italy! Here the spaghetti is eaten more than anywhere else in the world and ‘pasta etiquette’ is a real thing. This one is one of the most horrible things for an Italian to witness.
My Filming Gear:
GoPro HERO 9
GoPro Remote Control
GoPro Selfie Stick with Tripod Stand
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HOW TO BEHAVE IN ITALY: 10 Things you should NEVER DO when you go to Italy. Italian Etiquette

FIRST TIME IN ROME ITALY: What to Know Before You Go to Rome. Travel Tips to Italy

Are you going to Rome, Italy for the first time? Are you planning to visit Italy soon? Those are 10 main things you better keep in mind before you start booking your flights.
Today I want to prepare you for your FIRST TRIP TO ROME, Italy. Especially if you dare visit Italy summer time 😉
12:43 9️⃣ HOW TO PAY IN ITALY?
14:25 1️⃣1️⃣ NEVER DO IN ITALY
My Filming Gear:
SONY ZV1 BEST Vlogging Camera
RØDE Vlogging Mic
GoPro HERO 9
GoPro Remote Control
GoPro Selfie Stick with Tripod Stand
✅ 1 — Very very comfortable shoes!
Have you seen the roads in Rome? To wear heels here you must be born in Rome and start practicing running on your heels since you are a teenager.
So my advice here — trainers! Or good and comfortable walking shoes.
✅ 2 if you are going to Italy summer time remember 2 main things:
1 best time to go to Italy in summer would be May, first half of June and September onwards
2 when you go to Italy summer time: always remember to have:
✅ hat
✅ sunglasses
✅ sunscreen
And also have a bottle with you!
You don’t need to buy drinking water in Rome for example, there are more than 2,500 drinking fountains, known as nasoni, which provide residents and visitors with free fresh water all year round.
✅ 3 Churches and restaurants in Italy have dress codes.
As a general rule, Italians care deeply about clothing and appearance.
Long sleeves shirts or blouses and skirts or long trousers are a good idea—and they do doubleduty at the nicer restaurants, where you can’t get in with shorts, flipflops, and other casual clothing you might bring on vacation.
✅ 4 RIPPSO in Italy is a beautiful thing
Chiuso means “closed” in Italian—and that’s exactly what just about everything will be during riposo, the afternoon rest.
Lots of business in Italy, including some big supermarkets and pharmacies will be closed on Sunday!
✅ 6 Observe the Ten Commandments of coffee
A standard greeting in Italy is prendiamo un caffe — care for a coffee? Italians love coffee that much. Therefore, when in Italy, it’s important to observe the customs and accord it the proper respect.
For example:
🔹 Milky coffee is only for mornings
🔹 Don’t ask for an espresso, that’s the default when you ask for un caffe
🔹 Take your coffee standing up at the bar
🔹 Keep it simple.
✅ 7 Coffee and pastry—it’s what’s for breakfast in Rome
The customary Italian breakfast is un caffe, or perhaps a cappuccino or caffe latte, with a cornetto (the Italian version of a croissant), crostata (a jamfilled buttery breakfast tart), or doughnut.
✅ 8 A \”Bar\” in Italy Isn’t a \”Bar\” in the UK or the US
In the UK similar to the US, a bar is where you drink beer and cocktails. In Italy, a bar is where you get coffee. Most Italians stand up to drink their coffee because it’s cheaper than sitting down at a cafe.
✅ 9 There’s no such thing as an early dinner in Italy
Italians are late eaters. It’s a fact of life that works extremely well with their passion for long, leisurely meals. On the other hand, if you’re used to lunch at noon and dinner at 6 pm, you’re going to be sadly out of sync in Italy.
✅ 9 — PAYMENT in Italy
Credit cards are widely accepted at hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions. But not everyone takes credit cards, especially for small purchases like a coffee or souvenir.
Carry cash at all times. That is, if you want a gelato. You may need it for the loo as well. Try to carry small bills. No one wants to make change for a 100 euro note.
❎ 10 No, you cannot get ranch dressing on your salad
Italy has an amazing food culture and you’ll eat some incredible dishes—but there are certain rules you should observe when dining out.
How you dress your salad is one of them: Always just olio e aceto — olive oil and vinegar.

Just go with the food rules—Italians have been making incredible food for thousands of years. So when in Italy, just eat like an Italian.
This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. I won’t put anything here that I haven’t verified and/or personally used myself.
🆓 DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION ABOUT TRAVEL TO NORWAY, living in Norway or travel in general?
Send me a message, I’ll be happy to help 🤗
Stay in touch! Stay safe! Be happy!
firsttimeinrome firsttimeinitaly traveltoitaly2021

FIRST TIME IN ROME ITALY: What to Know Before You Go to Rome. Travel Tips to Italy

T!NE – เวลา (prod. Wavvy)

HAPPY NEW YEAR นะครับทุกคน ขอให้ปีหน้าดีกว่าที่ผ่านๆมานะครับจะบอกว่าจะให้ปีหน้าเจอแต่เรื่องดีๆมันก็เป็นไปไม่ได้อยู่แล้ว555 ทุกเรื่องราวมันสอนให้เราเป็นเราครับ:)

ปีหน้า2020ผมได้ทำอะไรใหม่ๆรอไว้แล้วครับ แล้วเจอกัน:)

T!NE - เวลา (prod. Wavvy)

ملخص مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشماليه 0 0 مباراة ناريه

ملخص مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية
ملخص مباراة ايطاليا اليوم,
اهداف مباراة ايطاليا اليوم
,مباراة ايطاليا اليوم,
مباراة المنتخب الايطالي اليوم,
,اهداف المنتخب الايطالي اليوم,
مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية,
ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية اليوم,
اهداف ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية اليوم
,ملخص مباريات اليوم
ايطاليا اليوم,
ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية,

ايطاليا,تصفيات اوروبا كاس العالم,اهداف مباراة ايطاليا اليوم,مباراة ايطاليا اليوم,مباراة المنتخب الايطالي اليوم,اهداف المنتخب الايطالي اليوم,مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية,ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية اليوم,اهداف ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية اليوم,ملخص مباريات اليوم ايطاليا اليوم,ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية,ملخص مباراة ايطاليا اليوم,مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية اليوم,مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشمالية بث مباشر,ملخص مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشماليه اليوم

ملخص مباراة ايطاليا وايرلندا الشماليه 0 0   مباراة ناريه

นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูวิธีอื่นๆLEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGE

ขอบคุณที่รับชมกระทู้ครับ เวลา italy

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