present simple tense: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้
Simple Present
Carla Muniz
O Simple Present Tense, também chamado de Present Simple (presente simples), é um dos tempos verbais do inglês.
Ele é equivalente ao presente do indicativo na língua portuguesa.
Quando usar o Simple Present?
O Simple Present é um tempo verbal utilizado para indicar ações habituais que ocorrem no presente.
Além disso, ele é usado para expressar verdades universais, sentimentos, desejos, opiniões e preferências.
Por vezes, as frases no Simple Present apresentam expressões de tempo (advérbios).
As mais usuais são:
every day
todos os dias
às vezes
Veja alguns exemplos de frases no Simple Present:
- He plays soccer very well. (Ele joga futebol muito bem.)
- She loves chocolate. (Ela ama chocolate.)
- They go to school in the afternoon. (Eles vão para a escola de tarde.)
- I always read the newspaper in the morning. (Eu sempre leio o jornal de manhã.)
- We generally travel to Brazil in December. (Geralmente nós viajamos para o Brasil em dezembro.)
Veja também:
Adverbs of frequency
Regras do Simple Present
A conjugação do Simple Present varia de acordo com a pessoa verbal, com a terminação do verbo e com o tipo de frase (afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.)
Confira abaixo a explicação sobre a formação do Simple Present nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
Affirmative Form (forma afirmativa)
Como regra geral, pode-se dizer que para conjugar um verbo no Simple Present, basta usá-lo no infinitivo sem o to no caso dos pronomes I, you, we e they, e acrescentar -s, -es ou -ies no caso dos pronomes he, she e it.
Veja abaixo um exemplo com a conjugação do verbo to work (trabalhar; funcionar):
No entanto, há algumas regras específicas para a flexão da terceira pessoa do singular (he, she e it) que estão relacionadas com a terminação dos verbos.
Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x
É preciso acrescentar -es no final do verbo.
- to teach (ensinar) – teaches
- to watch (assistir) – watches
- to push (empurrar) – pushes
- to kiss (beijar) – kisses
- to go (ir) – goes
- to fix (consertar) – fixes
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de consoante
Retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies
- to fry (fritar) – fries
- to fly (voar) – flies
- to study (estudar) – studies
- to worry (preocupar-se) – worries
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de vogal
Acrescenta-se somente o -s.
- to say (dizer) – says
- to play (brincar; jogar) – plays
Veja também:
Present Perfect
Posição do verbo em frases afirmativas
Veja abaixo a estrutura de formação de frases afirmativas no Simple Present:
Sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
- I live in Brazil. (Eu moro no Brasil). – verbo to live (morar, viver).
- He teaches Spanish at the university. (Ele ensina espanhol na universidade.) – verbo to teach (ensinar).
- They prefer Italian food. (Eles preferem comida italiana.) – verbo to prefer (preferir).
- She watches TV every day. (Ela assiste TV todos os dias.) – verbo to watch (assistir).
- We like to go to the beach during the week. (Nós gostamos de ir à praia durante a semana.) – verbo to like (gostar).
- It pushes the door when it wants to get in. (Ele/ela empurra a porta quanto quer entrar) – verbo to push (empurrar).
- You always arrive late. (Você sempre chega atrasado.) – verbo to arrive (chegar).
- She always kisses her grandma before leaving. (Ela sempre beija a avó antes de sair.) – verbo to kiss (beijar).
- He goes to the gym on weekends. (Ele vai à academia aos fins de semana.) – verbo to go (ir).
- She fixes her car by herself. (Ela conserta o carro dela sozinha.) – verbo to fix (consertar).
Veja também:
Advérbios em Inglês
Negative Form (forma negativa)
A forma negativa do Simple Present é formada com o uso dos verbos auxiliares do e does.
Do é usado com os pronomes I, you, we e they. Já o auxiliar does é usado com he, she, it.
Veja abaixo a conjugação da forma negativa do verbo to work (trabalhar; funcionar) no Simple Present.
Observe que na forma negativa do Simple Present, o verbo sempre é usado no infinitivo sem o to, mesmo quando se trata da terceira pessoa do singular (he, she e it).
As frases na negativa podem ser escritas de forma completa (do not ou does not) ou de forma contraída (don’t ou doesn’t):
- Do + not = don’t
- Does + not = doesn’t
Posição do verbo em frases negativas
Veja abaixo a estrutura de formação de frases negativas no Simple Present:
Sujeito + verbo auxiliar + not + verbo principal + complemento
- I do not live in Brazil. (Eu não moro no Brasil). – verbo to live (morar, viver).
- He does not teach Spanish at the university. (Ele não ensina espanhol na universidade.) – verbo to teach (ensinar).
- They don’t prefer Italian food. (Eles não preferem comida italiana.) – verbo to prefer (preferir).
- She doesn’t watch TV every day. (Ela não assiste TV todos os dias.) – verbo to watch (assistir).
- We do not like to go to the beach during the week. (Nós não gostamos de ir à praia durante a semana.) – verbo to like (gostar).
- It does not push the door when it wants to get in. (Ele/ela não empurra a porta quanto quer entrar.) – verbo to push (empurrar).
- You don’t arrive late. (Você não chega atrasado.) – verbo to arrive (chegar).
- She doesn’t kiss her grandma before leaving. (Ela não beija a avó antes de sair.) – verbo to kiss (beijar).
- He does not go to the gym on weekends. (Ele não vai à academia aos fins de semana.) – verbo to go (ir).
- She doesn’t fix her car by herself. (Ela não conserta o carro dela sozinha.) – verbo to fix (consertar).
Veja também:
Do e does
Interrogative Form (forma interrogativa)
Assim como acontece nas frases negativas, os auxiliares do e does são utilizados para formar frases interrogativas no Simple Present.
Do é usado com I, you, we e they, e does é usado com he, she e it.
Veja abaixo a conjugação da forma interrogativa do verbo to work (trabalhar; funcionar) no Simple Present:
Note que o verbo sempre é usado no infinitivo sem o to, mesmo quando se trata da terceira pessoa do singular (he, she e it).
Posição do verbo em frases interrogativas
Veja abaixo a estrutura de formação de frases interrogativas no Simple Present.
Verbo auxiliar + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
- Do I own you money? (Eu te devo dinheiro?). – verbo to own (dever).
- Does he teach Spanish at the university? (Ele ensina espanhol na universidade?) – verbo to teach (ensinar).
- Do they prefer Italian food? (Eles preferem comida italiana?) – verbo to prefer (preferir).
- Does she watch TV every day? (Ela assiste TV todos os dias?) – verbo to watch (assistir).
- Do we have classes on Saturdays? (Nós temos aulas aos sábados?) – verbo to have (ter).
- Does it push the door when it wants to get in? (Ele/ela empurra a porta quanto quer entrar?) – verbo to push (empurrar).
- Do you arrive late? (Você chega atrasado?) – verbo to arrive (chegar).
- Does she kiss her grandma before leaving? (Ela beija a avó antes de sair?) – verbo to kiss (beijar).
- Does he go to the gym on weekends? (Ele vai à academia aos fins de semana?) – verbo to go (ir).
- Does she fix her car by herself? (Ela conserta o carro dela sozinha?) – verbo to fix (consertar).
O verbo to do significa fazer. No entanto, no Simple Present ele é usado como verbo auxiliar que complementa a formação das frases negativas e interrogativas.
Enquanto auxiliares, do e does não têm significado.
Os auxiliares do e does também são usados em respostas curtas.
Observe os exemplos abaixo:
Veja também:
Verbos auxiliares em inglês
Tabelas de verbos conjugados
Agora que você já aprendeu as regras do Simple Present, veja alguns exemplos de verbos conjugados.
Verbo to love (amar)
I love
I do not/don’t love
Do I love?
You love
You do not/don’t love
Do you love?
He loves
He does not/doesn’t love
Does he love?
She loves
She does not/doesn’t love
Does she love?
It loves
It does not/doesn’t love
Does it love?
We love
We do not/don’t love
Do we love?
You love
You do not/don’t love
Do you love?
They love
They do not/don’t love
Do they love?
Veja também:
Simple Future
Verbo to be (ser/estar)
I am/I’m
I am not/I’m not
Am I?
You are/You’re
You are not/aren’t
Are you?
He is/He’s
He is not/isn’t
Is he?
She is/She’s
She is not/isn’t
Is she?
It is/It’s
It is not/isn’t
Is it?
We are/We’re
We are not/aren’t
Are we?
You are/You’re
You are not/aren’t
Are you?
They are/They’re
They are not/aren’t
Are they?
OBS.: Assim como acontece com os modal verbs (verbos modais), a forma negativa e a forma interrogativa do verbo to be não são formadas com o uso dos auxiliares do e does.
Veja também:
Verbo To Be
Verbo to have (ter)
I have
I do not/don’t have
Do I have?
You have
You do not/don’t have
Do you have?
He has
He does not/doesn’t have
Does he have?
She has
She does not/doesn’t have
Does she have?
It has
It does not/doesn’t have
Does it have?
We have
We do not/don’t have
Do we have?
You have
You do not/don’t have
Do you have?
They have
They do not/don’t have
Do they have?
Veja também:
Has e have
Simple Present x Present Continuous
Tanto o Simple Present (presente simples) quanto o Present Continuous (presente contínuo) são tempos verbais da língua inglesa que indicam tempo presente.
No entanto, é comum que ambos causem dúvidas àqueles que querem praticar e construir frases em inglês.
O Simple Present indica ações habituais ocorridas no presente e também verdades universais, sentimentos, desejos, opiniões e preferências.
Já o Present Continuous indica ações que estão ocorrendo no presente, ou seja, no momento em que se fala. Equivale ao gerúndio da língua portuguesa. Regra geral, para conjugar o Present Continuous, é preciso acrescentar -ing no fim do verbo..
- They are watching a movie. (Eles estão assistindo um filme.) – verbo to watch (assistir).
- I am making a phone call. (Estou fazendo uma chamada telefônica.) – verbo to make (fazer).
Veja abaixo algumas frases no Simple Present e no Present Continuous que ilustram a diferença entre os dois tempos verbais.
- He is playing baseball. (Ele está jogando basebol.) – PRESENT CONTINUOUS
- He plays baseball. (Ele joga basebol.) – SIMPLE PRESENT
- They study German. (Eles estudam alemão.) – SIMPLE PRESENT
- They are studying German. (Eles estão estudando alemão.) – PRESENT CONTINUOUS
Veja também:
Present Continuous
Que tal saber mais sobre a língua inglesa? Veja também:
Vídeo sobre Simple Present
Agora que você já viu tudo o que precisa saber sobre o Simple Present, assista o vídeo abaixo para consolidar o seu aprendizado.
Resumo do Simple Present
Confira abaixo o infográfico que o Toda Matéria preparou para você, com um resumo do uso do Simple Present tense.
Se deseja mais informações sobre como estudar inglês, vale a pena consultar os artigos abaixo:
Exercícios sobre Simple Present
Questão 1
In the age-old battle between independence-seeking teenagers and worried parents, the older generation is packing some new weapons. Caller ID tells parents who is calling their kids. Cell-phone bills detail every local number the kid has called. New computer programs track just about everything − every Web site visited, every e-mail sent − that a teenager does online.
Parental reconnaissance is going to get worse − or good, depending on your perspective.
(Wall Street Journal, Nov. 6, 2000)
Os verbos que estão no Simple Present, no texto, são:
a) detail – track – get
b) worried – visited – sent
c) is packing – is calling – is going
d) tells – detail – track
e) worried – has called – does
Ver Resposta
Alternativa correta: d) tells – detail – track
A alternativa d) é a única onde todos os verbos estão flexionados no Simple Present.
- tells é a flexão de Simple Present do verbo to tell (dizer), na terceira pessoa de singular (he/she/it).
- detail é a flexão de Simple Present do verbo to detail (detalhar), usada com os pronomes I, you, we, they.
- track é a flexão de Simple Present do verbo to track (rastrear), usada com os pronomes I, you, we, they.
Veja quais são os tempos verbais das outras alternativas:
a) detail – track – get: detail e track estão no Simple Present, porém, no texto, o verbo get faz parte da estrutura de futuro do Simple Future, going to get.
b) worried – visited – sent: todos os verbos estão no Simple Past.
c) is packing – is calling – is going: is packing e is calling estão no Present Continuous. O is going faz parte da estrutura de futuro do Simple Future, is going to get.
e) worried – has called – does: worried está no Simple Past, has called está no Present Perfect e does é o único verbo que está no Simple Present.
Questão 2
(Ufac/2010) Choose the alternative that best completes the sentence:
Charles normally ________ water, but now he ________ Coke.
a) drinks; is drinking.
b) is drinking; drinks.
c) was drinking; drinks.
d) drink; is drinking.
e) drinks, was drinking.
Ver Resposta
Alternativa correta: a) drinks; is drinking.
Observe que foi usado na frase o advérbio normally (normalmente), que indica uma ação habitual. Assim sendo, o verbo a ser utilizado para completar a lacuna deve estar conjugado no Simple Present.
Das alternativas disponíveis, apenas as letras a), d) e e) se adequam. A letra b) inicia com uma flexão conjugada no Present Continuous (is drinking) e a letra c) tem sua primeira opção conjugada no Past Continuous (was drinking).
Na segunda parte da oração, foi utilizada a palavra now (agora), o que obriga o uso de um verbo conjugado no Present Continuous (presente contínuo) para indicar uma ação em progresso no presente.
Restam as opções a) e d). A opção correta foi a letra a) pois o sujeito da frase é Charles, que corresponde ao pronome he (ele). Para he, she e it deve-se acrescentar o -s ao fim do verbo.
Questão 3
Assinale a alternativa correta para completar com o Simple Present:
She doesn’t ________ anymore.
a) to work out
b) work out
c) working out
d) works out
e) worked out
Ver Resposta
Alternativa b: She doesn’t work out anymore.
A frase apresenta uma flexão de terceira pessoa do singular (he, she e it) da forma negativa do Simple Present, indicada pelo uso de doesn’t.
Quando o does ou o does not são utilizados, deve-se usar o verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to.
O infinitivo em questão é to work out (exercitar-se), logo, passa a work out sem o to. Assim sendo, a letra b) é a alternativa correta.
Questão 4
Preencha os espaços com a conjugação dos verbos no Simple Present:
a) Do you ______ in America? (to live)
Ver Resposta
Resposta correta: a) live
Como a frase é uma pergunta, o verbo deve ser utilizado no infinitivo sem o to. Nesse caso, como o infinitivo é to live (morar), basta usar o live.
b) Jane ______ your friend. (to love)
Ver Resposta
Resposta correta: b) loves
Jane é o sujeito da frase. Como se trata de um nome feminino, equivale ao pronome she (ela).
A flexão de Simple Present de he, she e it deve ser feita com o acréscimo de -s ao fim do verbo no infinitivo sem o to.
O infinitivo é to love (amar). Sem o to, passamos a ter apenas love. Assim sendo, basta acrescentar o -s: loves
c) Juan and Carla ______ on the beach every morning. (to run)
Ver Resposta
Resposta correta: c) run
Juan and Carla equivalem ao pronome they (eles).
Para flexionar o verbo to run (correr) na terceira pessoa do plural (they), basta usar o verbo no infinitivo sem o to. Como o infinitivo é to run, sem o to passamos a ter apenas run. Logo, Juan and Carla run.
d) She _______ English every day. (to teach)
Ver Resposta
Resposta correta: d) teaches
Quando um verbo termina em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh ou -x, a flexão de Simple Present de he, she e it deve ser feita com o acréscimo de -es ao fim do verbo no infinitivo sem o to.
O infinitivo é to teach (ensinar). Sem o to, passamos a ter apenas teach. Assim sendo, basta acrescentar o -es: teaches.
e) Thomas ______ his car weekly. (to wash)
Ver Resposta
Resposta correta: washes
Quando um verbo termina em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh ou -x, a flexão de Simple Present de he, she e it deve ser feita com o acréscimo de -es ao fim do verbo no infinitivo sem o to.
O infinitivo é to wash (lavar). Sem o to, passamos a ter apenas wash. Assim sendo, basta acrescentar o -es: washes.
Questão 5
Escreva a frase a seguir nas formas negativa e interrogativa:
We go to school every day.
Ver Resposta
Forma negativa:
Resposta correta: We don’t go to school every day ou We do not go to school every day.
O verbo principal da frase é to go (ir).
Para formar frases negativas no Simple Present, deve-se usar o auxiliar do ou o auxiliar does, e acrescentar o not. Também podem ser usadas as formas contraídas don’t ou doesn’t.
Does not e doesn’t são usados com os pronomes he, she e it. Com os demais pronomes (I, you, we e they) usa-se do not ou don’t.
Depois do auxiliar, é preciso usar o verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to. Como o verbo principal da frase no infinitivo é to go, sem o to passamos a ter go.
Posição do verbo em frases negativas: sujeito + verbo auxiliar + not + verbo principal + complemento
Tendo em conta que o pronome usado na frase é o we (nós), podemos optar por usar do not ou don’t:
- We don’t go to school every day.
- We do not go to school every day.
Forma interrogativa:
Resposta correta: Do we go to school every day?
O verbo principal da frase é to go (ir).
Para formar frases interrogativas no Simple Present, deve-se usar o auxiliar do ou o auxiliar does.
Does é usado com os pronomes he, she e it. Com os demais pronomes (I, you, we e they) usa-se do.
Depois do auxiliar, é preciso usar o verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to. Como o verbo principal da frase no infinitivo é to go, sem o to passamos a ter go.
Posição do verbo em frases interrogativas: verbo auxiliar + sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
Tendo em conta que o pronome usado no frase é o we (nós), a resposta correta é Do we go to school every day?
Questão 6
De acordo com a formação das frases no Simple Present, a oração em que as palavras aparecem na ordem correta é:
a) My girlfriend visits her parents on Sundays.
b) On Sundays my girlfriend her parents visits.
c) Visits her parents on Sundays my girlfriend.
d) My girlfriend parents her visits on Sundays.
e) Her parents my girlfriend visits on Sundays.
Ver Resposta
Alternativa correta: a) My girlfriend visits her parents on Sundays.
No Simple Present, a formação das frases afirmativas segue a seguinte estrutura:
Sujeito + verbo principal + complemento
- Sujeito: My girlfriend
- Verbo principal: visits
- Complemento: her parents on Sundays
Questão 7
Complete com a forma correta do verbo entre parênteses.
a) They ______ their e-mail every day. (check-checks)
b) The sun ______ in the east. (rise-rises)
c) We ______ shopping on Saturdays. (go-goes)
d) Water ______ at 100 °C. (boil-boils)
e) Daniel ______ for a big hotel in the city center. (work-works)
Ver Resposta
Para conjugar um verbo no Simple Present, basta usá-lo no infinitivo sem o to no caso dos pronomes I, you, we e they, e acrescentar -s, -es ou -ies no caso dos pronomes he, she e it. Assim, as respostas corretas são:
a) check – They check their e-mail every day. (Eles verificam seus e-mails todos os dias.)
b) rises – The sun rises in the east. (O sol nasce no leste.)
c) go – We go shopping on Saturdays. (Vamos às compras aos sábados.)
d) boils – Water boils at 100 °C. (A água ferve a 100 °C.)
e) works – Daniel works for a big hotel in the city center. (Daniel trabalha para um grande hotel no centro da cidade.)
Questão 8
Complete as lacunas com o verbo auxiliar correto: to do ou to be.
a) ______ you married?
Yes, my husband’s name is Frank.
b) ______ you have any children?
Yes, I have three sons.
c) Where ______ you work?
I’m a doctor at the local hospital.
d) What ______ their names?
Lucy and Tomas.
e) What ______ you do?
I work in a club.
Ver Resposta
Tanto o verbo to do quanto o verbo to be podem ser utilizados no inglês como verbos auxiliares.
O verbo to do, enquanto auxiliar, não possui uma tradução.
Já o verbo to be é utilizado quando o sentido da frase está relacionado com os verbos “ser” ou “estar”. Assim, as respostas das questões são:
a) are – Are you married? (Você é casado?)
b) do – Do you have any children? (Você tem filhos?)
c) do – Where do you work? (Onde você trabalha?)
d) are – What are theirs names? (Quais são os nomes deles?)
e) do – What do you do? (O que você faz?)
Questão 9
Nas frases abaixo, insira os advérbios de frequência entre parênteses no local correto.
a) Do you work late? (often)
b) I’m exhausted. (always)
c) I finish at four in the morning. (usually)
d) I work till six. (once a week)
Ver Resposta
Os advérbios de frequência são utilizados entre o sujeito e o verbo, exceto quando o verbo principal da frase é o to be. Confira as respostas corretas:
a) Do you often work late? (Você costuma trabalhar até tarde?)
b) I’m always exhausted. (Estou sempre exausta.)
c) I usually finish at four in the morning. (Eu costumo terminar às quatro da manhã.)
d) I work till six once a week. (Eu trabalho até as seis uma vez por semana.)
Questão 10
Leia as frases abaixo a respeito de regras gramaticais sobre o uso do Simple Present.
I. Ao conjugar no Simple Present um verbo terminado em y precedido de consoante, basta acrescentar o -s nas flexões das pessoas gramaticais he, she e it.
II. O Simple Present é usado para falar de hábitos e rotinas, e de verdades universais.
III. Na forma interrogativa do Simple Present, o verbo principal não é flexionado. Ele é utilizado no infinitivo sem o to.
É correto o que se afirma em:
a) I e III
b) I e II
c) II e III
d) I, II e III
e) n.d.a.
Ver Resposta
Resposta correta: c) II e III
A afirmação da frase I está incorreta, uma vez que ao conjugar no Simple Present um verbo terminado em y precedido de consoante, é necessário acrescentar -ies, e não apenas -s, nas flexões das pessoas gramaticais he, she e it.
Para mais exercícios sobre o Simple Present, veja também Simple Present exercícios
[NEW] Simple Present Tense (do-does) – Learn with Games and Exercises | present simple tense – NATAVIGUIDES
What is simple present tense shortly?
Simple present tense (present simple tense) is a verb tense that describes the events and situations that do not change. “Do” and “does” are the auxiliary verbs of simple present tense. However, “do” and “does” are not used in positive sentences. They are used only in negative and question sentences. The auxiliary verb “does” is used for third person singular (He, She, It). In other subjects (I, You, We, They), the auxiliary verb “do” is used.
The following animated sentences are examples of present simple tense:
Why does
Where does
does not eat
Formation of simple present tense
For affirmative sentences we use the infinite form of the verb. For negative sentences we use “not” after the auxiliary “do” and “does”. For questions we put “do/does” before the subject.
Which auxiliary (helping verb) to use for simple present tense?
The auxiliary verb in simple present tense is “do / does“. However we use “am, is, are” to talk about a general state or condition.
- I work in the office.
- I don’t work in the office.
- Do you work in the office?
- I am in the office.
- I am in the office.
- Are you in the office?
❯❯ Learn verb to be here
❯❯ Learn present continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn future simple tense (will) here
❯❯ Learn be going to future tense here
❯❯ Learn simple past tense here
❯❯ Learn past continuous tense here
❯❯ Learn present perfect tense here
Positive (Affirmative) sentences in simple present tense
For the formation of positive sentences in simple present tense we do not use “do” or “does” in front of the verb. This may sound strange. Because we know that the auxiliary verbs that precede the verbs help us understand the tense of the sentence. However, the verb is alone here. In addition, for the subjects “He, She, It”, the suffix “-s” is added at the end of the verb.
- I like pizza.
- We go abroad every summer.
- She speaks three languages.
- Lions eat meat.
- Oliver walks to school.
- They play computer games.
- Maria prefers action movies.
The verb “have” changes into “has” when it gets “-s” at the end.
- She has breakfast.
- She doesn’t have breakfast.
- Does she have breakfast?
In positive sentences, when the subject is “He, She, It”, we change “-s” into “-es” or “-ies“. The reason is as follows:
- For the verbs ending with “-s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o” we add “-es” at the end of the verb.
brushes, kisses, catches, fixes, goes, does etc. - If the verb has “-y” at the end and it precedes with a consonant letter, we drop the “-y” and add “-ies”
try> tries, fly> flies, carry> carries etc.
Negative sentences in simple present tense
For the formation of negative sentences in simple present tense we use “not” together with “do / does“. The short forms are “don’t / doesn’t”
- I don’t like cigarette.
- Sarah doesn’t need help.
- He doesn’t forget names.
- They don’t go out alone.
Interrogative sentences in simple present tense
For the formation of question sentences (interrogative) in simple present tense we put “do / does” before the subject. This also applies to the “Wh- questions” which we call “information questions” as well.
- Do you like lemonade?
- Does she keep secret?
- Where do you live?
- Why does Molly wear pink dresses?
Sentence forms in simple present tense
Simple present tense Formula with example sentences
(+) Affirmative sentences
(-) Negative sentences
(?) Interrogative sentences
I speak
I don’t speak
Do you speak?
You speak
You don’t speak
Do you speak?
He speaks
He doesn’t speak
Does he speak?
She speaks
She doesn’t speak
Does she speak?
It speaks
It doesn’t speak
Does it speak?
We speak
We don’t speak
Do we speak?
They speak
They don’t speak
Do they speak?
Example Sentences
- (+) They like basketball.
- (-) They don’t like basketball.
- (?) Do they like basketball?
- (?) What do they like?
- (+) He likes basketball.
- (-) He doesn’t like basketball.
- (?) Does he like basketball?
- (?) What does he like?
Explanations and usages of simple present tense
Lets go on with the explanations, usages and time adverbs of simple present tense
1- Facts or generalizations.
It is used for events and situations that never change.
- People need food in this village.
- The wind blows a lot here.
- Trains carry many passengers.
- Smart phones cause some health problems.
- Water boils at 100C degrees.
- The earth revolves around the Sun.
- Lions don’t eat grass.
- Plants give us oxygen.
- Pandas live in China.
2- Habits, routines or repeated actions.
We use simple present tense to talk about habits and routines.
- I get up at 8 o’clock every day.
- Do you drink coffee every day?
- She always brushes her teeth.
- Leo plays his guitar in his room.
3- Likes and dislikes
We can also use simple present tense to talk about likes and dislikes. Some commonly used verbs are as follows: “like”,”love”, “hate”, “dislike”, “enjoy” etc.
- I love ice-cream.
- Do you like playing chess?
- She hates lies.
- Sandra doesn’t like tea with sugar.
- We like to swim.
- I dislike cold weather.
4- Scheduled events in near future
- The train arrives at 9 AM.
- The bus arrives at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.
- When do we board the plane?
- When does the wedding ceremony start?
- The films starts at 8.30
- The bus arrives at 6PM.
- The English lesson starts at 10.30.
5- With non-progressive verbs
Some verbs in English doesn’t have continuous forms. These verbs are called non-progressive or non-continuous verbs. We use simple present tense with these verbs.
Some non-progressive verbs are: believe, know, remember, understand, need, hate, like, love, prefer, want, feel, mean etc.
- I know the answer. – CORRECT
I am knowing the answer. – INCORRECT - I want some sugar. – CORRECT
I am wanting some sugar. – INCORRECT - Brian feels cold. – CORRECT
Brian isn’t feeling cold. – INCORRECT - I don’t remember her name. – CORRECT
I am not remembering her name. – INCORRECT - Do you understand? – CORRECT
Are you understanding? – INCORRECT
6- Narrating events
Example:The man opens the door and goes out slowly. He looks around carefully. Then he sees a little cat under the tree. He grabs it and says “Oh. Are you hungry?”
Adverbs of Frequency
What are Adverbs of frequency?
Simple present tense indicates repetitive actions, so it is good to say the frequency of these actions. In this case, we use some words called “Frequency adverbs”. These words are used just before the verb. This list of frequency (Frequency Adverbs) is as follows:
List of frequency adverbs
- always
- usually
- generally
- often
- normally
- frequently
- sometimes
- occasionally
- seldom
- rarely
- hardly ever
- never
Examples of frequency adverbs
Read the example sentences with the frequency adverbs and try to make similar sentences.
- I often eat eggs for the breakfast.
- I never smoke.
- Lisa always walks to school.
- Do you usually get up early?
- You hardly ever say “Thanks”.
- They don’t normally go out for dinner.
- My father often forgets my birthday.
- I generally have breakfast before I go out.
Memory cards to learn the adverbs of frequency
The cards below have adverbs of frequency. Click on them and try to say the meaning of them in your native language.
Time adverbs to use in simple present tense.
every ….
- I play football ever weekend.
- We go holiday ever summer.
- She gets up late every day.
once, twice, three times, ten times etc.
- I go to cinema once a month.
- She goes out with her friends twice a week.
- I call my son at least 3 times a day.
on Mondays, at the weekends, in the mornings
- I call my grandparents on Saturdays.
- In the evenings I take a taxi to go back home.
Verb to be (am, is, are)
We use am, is, are when we talk about a state rather than an action.
I work in London. (Action verb)
I am in London. (State verb)
Action verbs examples (do, does)
- Frank works at the hospital.
- Frank doesn’t work at the hospital.
- Does Frank work at the hospital?
- Where does Frank work?
Verb to be examples (am,is,are)
- Frank is at the hospital.
- Frank isn’t at the hospital.
- Is Frank at the hospital?
- Where is Frank?
Learn simple present tense with images and example sentences
Look at the images below and read the simple present tense sentences
A dialogue about simple present tense
Here is a dialogue to learn simple present tense. Read and try to make similar dialogues.
Do you go holiday every summer?
Yes. I do.
I like summer holidays very much.
Where do you go for holiday?
In fact, I don’t go to seaside.
I like camping in the mountains.
Where do you go for camping?
It is up to us.
We usually decide before we go.
If you want, you can join us.
Why not?
Translate the sentences about simple present tense.
You will see some examples of simple present tense below. Translate them into your native language.
Sentence scramble game about simple present tense
You will see scrambled words of simple present tense sentences. Click on the words in order to make a meaningful sentence.
Example sentences to learn simple present tense
Here are examples of simple present tense below. Some are affirmative some sentences are negative and some are interrogative.
10 example sentences :
- I always get up early.
- I don’t like hot weather.
- Mr. Anderson usually forgets to lock the door.
- She keeps secrets.
- Cats don’t like swimming.
- She rarely writes emails.
- Steven looks happy.
- I like reading poems a lot.
- The children brush their teeth every day.
- When I buy something, I read the instructions.
Questions and answers as simple present tense examples
You will see 10 questions with their answers below. Try to understand the formation of the sentences.
10 questions and answers
- How do you go to school?
I go to school by bus. - Do you like ice-cream?
Yes, I like ice-cream. - Why do you always wear sunglasses?
Because I have a problem with my eyes. - Does your father help your mother at home?
Yes, he does. - What time do you go to bed?
I go to bed at about 11 PM. - Do you make noise in the classroom?
No, I don’t. - Where are you from?
I am from Canada. - How often do you watch TV?
I sometimes watch TV. - Do you agree with me?
No, I don’t agree with you. - Are you OK?
Yes, I am OK.
Reading passage – Daily routine
My daily routine
My name is Lydia Collins. I live in a flat. My day daily routine starts very early. Every morning I wake up at six o’clock and wear my school uniform. Then I have breakfast with my father and mother. My little brother doesn’t have breakfast with us. Because it is too early for him. After breakfast I go out and wait for the school bus. At about 7 AM I get on the bus. I come back home at 3 PM. I feel tired when I come back. I have a rest and play with Dody, our cat. Then I start doing my homework. I try to finish it before 7 PM. So that I can go out and play with my friends. We have dinner at 8 PM. We often have chicken for dinner but I hate chicken. I eat it because mum gets angry. After dinner I watch TV for an hour. I go to bed early because I’m always very tired at the end of the day.
External resources:
You can go on learning with our other games and activities on this category page. You can also learn simple present tense on Wikibooks page here, or watch a video for examples here.
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Forming the Present Simple tense in English
Forming the Present Simple (affirmative)
The present simple tense is formed, in the affirmative, as follows
Subject + verb + object.
I + love + horseback riding.
I love horseback riding.
Conjugating the Present Simple (affirmative):
I love horseback riding
You love horseback riding
He/She loves horseback riding
We love horseback riding
They love horseback riding
Even though the differences between firstperson (I) and thirdperson (he/she) in the present simple are not big, they are very important. The s at the end of the thirdperson conjugation is extremely important. Similarly, it would be incorrect to say I plays football for a club.
Forming the Present Simple (negative)
The present simple tense is formed, in the negative, as follows
Subject + do + not + verb + object.
Amy + does + not + enjoy + musicals.
Amy does not enjoy musicals.
Conjugating the Present Simple (negative):
I do not enjoy musicals
You do not enjoy musicals
He/She does not enjoy musicals
We do not enjoy musicals
They do not enjoy musicals
The negative form of this tense is formed by pairing the main verb (enjoy in the case of the above example) with the auxiliary verb do in its negative form. As is made clear in the video, we can combine the two components of the negative form of this verb in a contraction, making the entire sentence flow more easily and allowing for more fluid conversation in spoken English (this way it will be easier for Amy to convey her disgust for musicals with greater facility of expression). The changes made in the contraction are as follows:
do not ⇒ don’t
does not ⇒ doesn’t
Therefore, our conjugation for the present simple (negative) should become
I don’t enjoy musicals
You don’t enjoy musicals
He/She doesn’t enjoy musicals
We don’t enjoy musicals
They don’t enjoy musicals
Forming the Present Simple (interrogative)
The present simple tense is formed, in the interrogative, as follows
Do + subject + verb + object
Do + you + play + the banjo
Do you play the banjo?
Conjugating the Present Simple (interrogative):
Do I play the banjo ?
Do you play the banjo ?
Does he/she play the banjo ?
Do we play the banjo ?
Do they play the banjo ?
It is important here to note the difference in punctuation. The question mark (?) is equally as important as the grammatical structure in marking the phrase as interrogative in written English.
[Elight] Các thì trong tiếng Anh #1 – Hiện tại đơn | Present simple tense | Học ngữ pháp tiếng Anh
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4. Tiếng Anh giao tiếp cơ bản cho người mới bắt đầu:
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Talking about Daily Routines
Learn how to talk about daily routines in this English lesson. Get the phrases you need to do this. It will help you practice English speaking.
Learn English Tenses: The Present Simple
Welcome to this English grammar lesson about the present simple tense. This is also a very common English verb tense, and it is very useful to learn it. Once you master it you’ll be able to talk about the things you love and like, your habits and routines, and how to state facts. As a bonus you’ll also learn the zero conditional!
I’ll start by helping you learn how to form the present simple verb tense for spoken English using I, You, We, and They. I’ll then make sure you know how to conjugate it with He, She and other nouns. I’ll also make sure I help you understand how to use it in the negative, and how to form questions with this tense.
At the end of the lesson I’ll give you an English practice tip you can use to help really learn this tense and never forget it! It is a very useful tense to learn for English conversation practice.
I hope you enjoyed this English lesson about the present simple tense!
😎 If you liked this video, you might like this one about the Present Continuous: 😎
⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!
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ขอบคุณมากสำหรับการดูหัวข้อโพสต์ present simple tense