see เติม s: คุณกำลังดูกระทู้
When Jennifer’s Body was first announced to me, I met the idea with cautious curiosity. The idea of Megan Fox playing an evil high school beauty queen who eats the boys she seduces sounded… interesting, to say the least. When the trailer finally emerged, I got excited. Seriously. The combination of thrilling and funny hadn’t been explored well at the theater in a long time.
Unfortunately, it still hasn’t been explored well; at least not very well. The movie understands what it’s going for: a comic horror film with just enough gore and jumps to be jarring and plenty of witty dialogue to stay fresh. The problem is, the two don’t seem to meld together very well at any point. It’s hard to say whether this has more to do with Diablo Cody’s script or Karyn Kusama’s direction; neither is at it’s full potential here. Although, on recollection of the film, the too-random use of humor sometimes seems to have been the biggest problem.
But let’s talk about what works. The leads are both very good. It was Megan Fox who got lots of good buzz about proving she could actually act, but Amanda Seyfried really impressed me more with her edgy role. The performances of both are worthy of accolades. They bring honesty and realism to what could have become total caricatures, and their performances help paint the deeper themes of the movie quite well.
Yes, there are deeper themes. It’s not too hard to spot what Ms. Cody is trying to talk about here: The relationships girls have with each other. The whole ‘Frenemies’ idea that so defines high school girls. It’s an interesting concept to examine, and it could have made for a truly entertaining AND thoughtful film.
But it simply isn’t. While it wants to get there, it gets too lost in trying to be hip and current and ‘alternative’ to really become a film. And while the tension builds decently toward the finale, it all leads up to a climax that… doesn’t really climax.
However, this is not to say Jennifer’s Body isn’t worth watching. Hell, I was entertained, and there are some sexy little scenes in there. The disappointment lies in thinking about what the premise promised, a promise that sadly wasn’t quite fulfilled… 6/10 stars
Jay Addison
[Update] V/H/S (2012) | see เติม s – NATAVIGUIDES
The horror anthology has a chequered history, some are bad but saved by one great segment, others boast a couple of genuine creepers but are undone by one instalment so bad it tarnishes the film forever. And on it goes. V/H/S brings the format into the new age by unfolding its tales by wrapping around the latest craze of found footage.
Six indie directors have produced a picture that was well received at Sundance but has proved to be most divisive with critics and horror fans on internet forums. This will come as no surprise to anyone who knows their horror anthology onions. The usual problems are evident here, a couple of great stories are surrounded by mediocre ones, but at least there is something for everyone, with most bases covered, but that in itself is a problem, all horror fans have preferences, it’s a big ask to expect a fan of stalk and slash to love a story about a winged harpy!
Then there is the issue of the found footage format, here recorded on actual VHS. Not everyone is a fan (myself for instance), and much of V/H/S is dizzying and often hard to follow, especially as regards the Tape 56/frame narrative story that cloaks the other five stories as a bunch of no-mark young crims burgle a grotty house and sift through the tapes. It’s a format loved by many for its supposed realism factors, I don’t get that myself, but for those people this really is up their trees!
Amateur Night (David Bruckner) and The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger (Joe Swanberg) are the standouts. The former is a cautionary tale of frat boys out for sex who get more than they bargained for when they take home the mysterious Lily, the latter an eerie tale unfolded via Skype communication as Emily appears to be a victim of a haunting whilst chatting to her doctor boyfriend.
However, if you ask another fan of the film what stories they feel standout, you may just get two different answers. So as with any other anthology horror, you roll the dice and take your chance, just don’t expect genius in every story, for that is purely folly of expectation. 7/10
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Wiz Khalifa – See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 Soundtrack
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Wiz Khalifa See You Again ft. Charlie Puth [Official Video] Furious 7 Soundtrack
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