direct speech: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้
Rules For Direct And Indirect Speech For English Language
Rules For Direct And Indirect Speech For English Language
In this article, we will cover important rules of direct and indirect speech, relevant for the English Language section of various competitive exams.
Aspirants of various Government exams such as SSC, RRB, IBPS, Insurance, etc. must go through the concept and rules of direct – indirect speech carefully, as the English language is a part of the syllabus for most of these exams.
What is Direct & Indirect Speech?
Direct speech – reporting the message of the speaker in the exact words as spoken by him.
Direct speech example: Maya said ‘I am busy now’.
Indirect speech: reporting the message of the speaker in our own words
Indirect speech example: Maya said that she was busy then.
Let us understand the direct and indirect rules with examples and for all tenses so that you can apply them correctly, without making any mistakes in the exams.
Direct And Indirect Speech Rules PDF:-Download PDF Here
Direct And Indirect Speech Rules
Rules for converting Direct into Indirect speech
To change a sentence of direct speech into indirect speech there are various factors that are considered, such as reporting verbs, modals, time, place, pronouns, tenses, etc. We will discuss each of these factors one by one.
Rule 1 – Direct To Indirect Speech Conversion – Reporting Verb
When the reporting verb of direct speech is in past tense then all the present tenses are changed to the corresponding past tense in indirect speech.
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: She said, ‘I am happy’.
Indirect: She said (that) she was happy.
In indirect speech, tenses
do not change
if the words used within the quotes (‘’) talk of a habitual action or universal truth.
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: He said, ‘We cannot live without air’.
Indirect: He said that we cannot live without air.
tenses of direct speech do not change
if the reporting verb is in the
future tense
present tense
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: She says/will say, ‘I am going’
Indirect: She says/will say she is going.
Rule 2 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech conversion – Present Tense
- Present Perfect Changes to Past Perfect.
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: “I have been to Boston”, she told me.
Indirect: She told me that she had been to Boston.
- Present Continuous Changes to Past Continuous
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: “I am playing the guitar”, she explained.
Indirect: She explained that she was playing the guitar.
- Present Perfect Changes to Past Perfect
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: He said, “She has finished her homework“.
Indirect: He said that she had finished her homework.
- Simple Present Changes to Simple Past
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: “I am unwell”, she said.
Indirect: She said that she was unwell.
Rule 3 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech conversion – Past Tense & Future Tense
- Simple Past Changes to Past Perfect
Direct to indirect speech example:
Direct: She said, “Irvin arrived on Sunday.”
Indirect: She said that Irvin had arrived on Sunday.
- Past Continuous Changes to Past Perfect Continuous
Direct to indirect speech example
Direct: “We were playing basketball”, they told me.
Indirect: They told me that they had been playing basketball.
- Future Changes to Present Conditional
Direct to indirect speech example
Direct: She said, “I will be in Scotland tomorrow.”
Indirect: She said that she would be in Scotland the next day.
- Future Continuous Changes to Conditional Continuous
Direct to indirect speech example
Direct: He said, “I’ll be disposing of the old computer next Tuesday.”
Indirect: He said that he would be disposing of the old computer the following Tuesday.
To ace the verbal ability section, it is important to have a clear conceptual knowledge of Direct and Indirect Speech, their usage and applications in English language. Therefore, candidates can go through the video on Direct and Indirect Speech rules in English Language, given below for better understanding-
For the preparation of the English language section in a better way, it is important that you go through the following topics thoroughly.
Candidates are advised to check the General English for Competitive Exams page for more articles on rules for English grammar, list of idioms and phrases, synonyms & antonyms, etc.
Rule 4 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Interrogative Sentences
- No conjunction is used,
if a sentence in direct speech begins with a question (what/where/when) as the “question-word” itself acts as a joining clause.
Direct to indirect speech example
Direct: “Where do you live?” asked the boy.
Indirect: The boy enquired where I lived.
If a direct speech sentence begins with an auxiliary verb/helping verb, the joining clause should be
if or whether.
Direct to indirect speech example
Direct: She said, ‘Will you come for the party’?
Indirect: She asked whether we would come for the party.
Reporting verbs such as ‘said/ said to’ changes to enquired, asked, or demanded.
Direct to indirect speech example
Direct: He said to me, ‘What are you wearing’?
Indirect: He asked me what I was wearing.
Candidates can also check the links given below to understand the concept of word formation in English and to learn the common words in English Language that appear in most of the competitive exams-
Rule 5 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Changes in Modals
While changing direct speech to indirect speech, the modals used in the sentences change like:
Can becomes could
May becomes might
Must becomes had to /would have to
Check the examples:
Direct : She said, ‘She
Indirect: She said that she
Direct: She said, ‘I
buy a dress’.
Indirect: She said that she
buy a dress.
Direct: Rama said, ‘I
complete the assignment’.
Indirect: Rama said that he
had to
complete the assignment.
There are modals that do not change – Could, Would, Should, Might, Ought to
Direct: She said, ‘I should clean the house’
Indirect: She said that she should clean the house.
Rule 6 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Pronoun
first person
in direct speech
changes as per the subject
of the speech.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples-
Direct: He said, “I am in class Twelfth.”
Indirect: He says that he was in class Twelfth.
second person
of direct speech
changes as per the object
of reporting speech.
Direct speech to indirect speech examples –
Direct: She says to them, “You have done your work.”
Indirect: She tells them that they have done their work.
third person
of direct speech
doesn’t change
Direct speech to indirect speech examples –
Direct: He says, “She dances well.”
Indirect: He says that she dances well.
Rule 7 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Request, Command, Wish, Exclamation
Indirect Speech is supported by some verbs like requested, ordered, suggested and advised. Forbid-forbade is used for negative sentences. Therefore,
the imperative mood in the direct speech changes into the Infinitive in indirect speech.
Direct: She said to her ‘Please complete it’.
Indirect: She requested her to complete it.
Direct: Hamid said to Ramid, ‘Sit down’.
Indirect: Hamid ordered Ramid to sit down.
Exclamatory sentences
that express grief, sorrow, happiness, applaud,
Interjections are removed
and the sentence is
changed to an assertive sentence
Direct: She said, ‘Alas! I am undone’.
Indirect: She exclaimed sadly that she was broke.
Aspirants are well aware that English is an important component of the syllabus of various competitive exams and it is important to be clear with the basic concepts. Therefore, given below are a few articles to clarify the confusion between usage of common but confusing words in the English Language.
More such concept-wise, subject-wise differences can be found on the 100 Difference between Articles page linked here.
Rule 8 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Punctuations
In direct speech, the words actually spoken should be in (‘’) quotes and always begin with a capital letter.
Example: She said, “I am the best.”
Full stop, comma, exclamation or question mark, are placed inside the closing inverted commas.
Example: They asked, “Can we sing with you?”
- If direct speech comes after the information about who is speaking, a comma is used
to introduce the speech, placed before the first inverted comma.
Direct speech example: He shouted, “Shut up!”
Direct speech example: “Thinking back,” he said, “she didn’t expect to win.” (Comma is used to separate the two direct speeches and no capital letter to begin the second sentence).
Rule 9 – Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion – Change of Time
In direct speeches, the words that express nearness in time or place are changed to words that express distance in indirect speech. Such as :
Now becomes then
Here becomes there
Ago becomes before
Thus becomes so
Today becomes that day
Tomorrow becomes the next day
This becomes that
Yesterday becomes the day before
These become those
Hither becomes thither
Come becomes go
Hence becomes thence
Next week or month becomes following week/month
Direct: He said, ‘His girlfriend came yesterday.’
Indirect: He said that his girlfriend had come the day before.
time expression does not change
if the
reporting verb is in the present tense or future tense
Direct: He says/will say, ‘My girlfriend came yesterday.’
Indirect: He says/will say that his girlfriend had come the day before.
Video – Direct & Indirect Speech in English Grammar
Rules of converting Indirect Speech into Direct Speech
The following rules should be followed while converting an indirect speech to direct speech:
Use the reporting verb such as (say, said to) in its correct tense.
Put a comma before the statement and the first letter of the statement should be in capital letter.
Insert question mark, quotation marks, exclamation mark and full stop, based on the mood of the sentence.
Remove the conjunctions like (that, to, if or whether) wherever necessary.
Where the reporting verb is in past tense in indirect, change it to present tense in the direct speech.
Change the past perfect tense either into present perfect tense or past tense, as necessary.
Check the examples:
Indirect: She asked whether she was coming to the prom night.
Direct: She said to her, “Are you coming to the prom night?”
Indirect: The girl said that she was happy with her result.
Direct: The girl said. “I am happy with my result.”
Direct And Indirect Speech Rules PDF:-Download PDF Here
Direct-Indirect Speech – Sample Questions For the English Language
The significance of knowing the rules of direct and indirect speech for the English language section of various competitive exams can only be understood by knowing the type of questions asked in the examination, based on the same.
Given below are samples of direct and indirect speech questions asked in the English language section of various government examinations:
Q.1. Find out the correct indirect speech for the given sentence.
She said,’ I have baked a cake’
She said that she baked a cake
She said that she had baked a cake.
She said that I baked a cake.
She said that she had bake a cake.
Answer (2) She said that she had baked a cake.
Q.2. Choose the correct sentence.
Aviral said, ‘What a beautiful rainbow it is’.
Aviral exclaimed wonderfully that the scenery was very beautiful.
Aviral said with wonder that the scenery was very beautiful.
Aviral exclaimed with wonder that the scenery is very beautiful.
Aviral exclaimed with wonder that the scenery was very beautiful.
Answer (4) Aviral exclaimed with wonder that the scenery was very beautiful.
Q.3. The correct indirect speech for ‘This world’, she said, ‘is full of sorrow. Wish that I were dead’. is?
She observed that the world is full of sorrow. She wished to be dead.
She said that the world was full of sorrow. She wished to be dead.
She observed that the world was full of sorrow. She wished to be dead.
She observed that the world was full of sorrow. She wished to die.
Answer (1) She observed that the world is full of sorrow. She wished to be dead
Q.4. The policeman said, ‘Where are the weapons?’
The policeman inquired where was the weapons.
The policeman enquired where are the weapons.
The policeman enquired where were the weapons.
The policeman questioned where were the weapon.
Answer (3) The policeman enquired where were the weapons.
Q.5. The man said, ‘Ah! I am ruined.’
The man cried that he was in ruined.
The man exclaimed in grief that he was ruin.
The man said that Ah, he is ruined.
The man exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
Answer (4) The man exclaimed with sorrow that he was ruined.
To prepare well for the English section, it is essential to practise and revise regularly for conceptual clarity. Hence, go through the exercise on Direct and Indirect Speech Questions and Answers in the given link.
For more variety and scope of direct and indirect speech questions asked in the English section of various competitive exams, go through Previous Year Question Papers PDF with Solutions.
Candidates can also check the variations and scope of questions asked in the competitive exams on the other relevant topics of English language below:
Check the Verbal Ability page to get more Question and Answer articles based on different general English topics.
Candidates who are preparing for the upcoming government exams must carefully go through the concept of Direct and Indirect speech rules, as candidates tend to score the least in the English Language section of these exams.
Aspirants of various government exams can refer to the detailed exam syllabus in the links given below:
For further questions or information regarding competitive exams, study material or best books for preparation, candidates can turn to BYJU’S.
[NEW] Materi Direct & Indirect Speech: Pengertian, Jenis, Contoh Kalimat dan Soal | direct speech – NATAVIGUIDES
Materi Direct & Indirect Speech: Pengertian, Jenis, Contoh Kalimat dan Soal – Dalam kalimat baik secara lisan maupun tulisan ada yang namanya kalimat langsung dan kalimat tidak langsung. Istilah tersebut dalam Bahasa Inggris disebut sebagai direct and indirect speech. Mengetahui penggunaan direct and indirect speech diperlukan agar dapat memami konteks percakapan dengan benar. Lalu bagaimana ya Grameds membedakan keduanya dan kapan mengguanakannya? Yuk simak sampai selesai!
Pengertian Direct Speech
Direct speech (kalimat langsung) ialah kata-kata atau kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh pembicara (orang pertama) dan ditulis apa adanya.
She says, “ I am a clever student.”
Dia berkata, “Saya seorang murid yang pandai.”
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan pada bentuk Direct Speech, yaitu:
a. Reporting Verb (yang melaporkan) dan Reported Words (yang dilaporkan) dipisahkan dengan tanda koma (,).
b. Reported Words dalam kalimat langsung ditulis dalam tanda kutip.
c. Reporting Verb bisa juga disebut Reporting Sentence (kalimat pelapor), Reported Words dapat disebut Reported Speech (kalimat yang dilaporkan).
d. Letak Reporting Verb tidak harus di awal kalimat, tetapi bisa berada di akhir kalimat. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
He said, “It is time to go away.”
Dia berkata, “Sudah tiba waktunya untuk pergi.”
He said : Reporting verb, “It’s time to go away.” : Reported words
Bisa Menjadi:
“It is time to go away,” He said.
“Sudah tiba waktunya untuk pergi,” Dia berkata.
“It’s time to go away.” : Reported words, He said : Reporting verb
Dalam membuat direct speech yang baik, Grameds harus menguasai grammar bahasa Inggris terlebih dahulu melalui buku The 1st Student’s Choice : Complete English Grammar, Tata Bahasa Inggris Lengkap.
Pengertian Indirect Speech
Indirect speech (kalimat tak langsung) ialah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk menyampaikan pernyataan seseorang.
She says that he is a clever student.
Dia berkata bahwa dia seorang murid yang pandai.
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam kalimat tak langsung, yaitu:
a. Antara Reporting Verb dengan Reported Words dihubungkan oleh kata penghubung (conjunction).
b. Dalam kalimat tak langsung (Indirect Speech), tanda kutip (quotation marks) tidak diperlukan.
Bentuk-bentuk Indirect Speech
Indirect Speech dapat dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu:
a. Bentuk kalimat tidak langsung yang kata pengantarnya dalam bentuk Present Tense, maka kalimat langsungnya tidak mengalami perubahan tense.
She says, “I am a clever student.”
Dia berkata, “Saya seorang murid yang pandai.”
b. Bentuk kalimat tidak langsung yang kata pengantarnya dalam bentuk Past Tense, maka kalimatnya mengalami perubahan, yakni tense, kata ganti orang, serta keterangan tempat.
Indirect Speech berhubungan dengan penggunaan past tense, yang dapat Grameds pelajari pada buku Belajar Tenses Gampang Lewat Cerita, Tenses Thru Stories+cd yang ada di bawah ini.
Perubahan Keterangan Waktu
1. Adverb of Time
now menjadi then
today menjadi that day
yesterday menjadi the day before, the previous day
last night menjadi the night before
last week menjadi the week before
a week ago menjadi a week before
a month ago menjadi a month before
tomorrow menjadi the following day, the next day
next week menjadi the following week
next month menjadi the following month
next year menjadi the following year
2. Adverb of Place
here menjadi there
this menjadi that
these menjadi those
Dalam mempelajari adverb, tenses, peribahasa, ungkapan, dan cara membaca dalam bahasa Inggris, Grameds dapat menemukan semua hal tersebut dalam Kamus Inggris-Indonesia, Indonesia-Inggris.
Perubahan dari Direct Speech menjadi Indirect Speech
A. Pernyataan (Statement)
– Sebuah kalimat pernyataan menggunakan kata pengantar
– Bila pembicara melaporkan kembali apa yang dibicarakan oleh orang lain, maka kata benda
dalam kalimat tersebut harus berubah.
Direct Speech:
Ana says to nana, “I am late.”
Ana berkata ke Nana, “Saya terlambat.”
Indirect Speech:
Ana says to Nana that she is late.
Ana berkata ke Nana bahwa dia terlambat.
– Bila pembicara melaporkan dirinya sendiri, maka kata ganti orang (I, My, Me) tetap.
Direct Speech:
I said, “I will leave the country.”
Indirect Speech:
I said I would leave the country.
B. Pertanyaan (Question)
1. Pertanyaan diawali dengan kata tanya: who (siapa), what (apa), when (kapan), where (di mana), dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
– Kata tanya tetap dipakai dalam pertanyaan tidak langsung.
– Susunan pertanyaan tak langsung menggunakan susunan kalimat pernyataan, bukan dalam kalimat tanya.
– Perubahan bentuk waktu (tenses) mengikuti ketentuan seperti biasa sebagaimana bentuk waktu pada kalimat tak langsung yang berasal dari pernyataan.
Direct Speech (DS):
Ronal said to Aning, “What are you doing?”
Ronal berkata kepada Aning, “Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
Ronal asked Aning what she was doing.
Ronal bertanya kepada Aning apa yang sedang dia lakukan.
Direct Speech (DS):
He wanted to know, “How did you do this?”
Dia ingin mengetahui, “Bagaimana caranya kamu melakukan ini?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He wanted to know how I had done that.
Dia ingin mengetahui bagaimana caranya saya telah melakukan itu.
2. Pertanyaan tanpa menggunakan kata tanya, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
– Menggunakan if atau whether dalam pertanyaan tak langsung.
– Susunan pertanyaan menggunakan susunan kalimat pernyataan (statement). Contoh:
Direct Speech (DS):
Rani asked me, “Can you help me?”
Rani bertanya kepada saya, “Bisakah kamu membantu saya?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
Rani asked me if (whether) I could help her.
Rani bertanya kepada saya apakah saya bisa membantunya.
Direct Speech (DS):
He asked me, “Are you very busy?”
Dia bertanya kepada saya, “Apakah kamu sangat sibuk?”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He asked me if I was very busy.
Dia bertanya pada saya apakah saya sangat sibuk.
1. Susunan Anak Kalimat Tak Langsung (Indirect Speech) bentuk Question, selalu “Statement”.
Dengan pola:
– Tanpa Kata Tanya: If/Whether (Apakah) + S + P
– Dengan Kata Tanya: Kata Tanya + S + P
2. Sama dengan aturan Statement, yaitu:
– Kalau induk kalimatnya present, tidak ada perubahan tenses.
– Kalau kalimatnya Past, ada perubahan tenses.
– Kalau anak kalimatnya menggunakan kata-kata: would, should, might, ought to, used to dan had better, tak ada perubahan tenses.
C. Perintah/Permintaan (Imperative/Request)
Ketentuan yang perlu diperhatikan:
1. Apabila Reported Words (kata-kata yang dilaporkan) merupakan kalimat perintah/permintaan, maka Reporting Verb (kata kerja yang melaporkan) yang berupa say atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu yang menandakan, antara lain:
– Command (perintah), misalnya: ordered, commanded yang berarti menyuruh atau memerintahkan.
– Precept (petunjuk, bimbingan, didikan), misalnya: advised yang berarti menasihati.
– Request (permohonan), misalnya: asked yang berarti meminta atau memohon.
– Entreaty (permohonan yang sangat mendesak), misalnya: begged yang berarti meminta atau memohon (dengan sangat).
– Prohibition (larangan), misalnya: forbade yang berarti melarang.
2. Menggunakan kata kerja (verb) bentukIatau To Infinitive pada kalimat tak langsung.
3. Tambahkan kata please yang dipakai untuk mengatakan perintah yang lebih sopan.
4. Menggunakan not + to infinitive untuk perintah (command) atau larangan (prohibition).
5. Kata ganti berubah dalam diri orang pertama (first person) dan orang kedua (second person) menjadi orang ketiga (third person).
I -> He or She
We -> They
You -> Me, He, She, or They
– Command (perintah)
Direct Speech (DS):
She said to her servant, “Go away at once.”
Dia berkata kepada pembantunya, “Pergi segera.”
Indirect Speech (IS):
She ordered her servant to go away at once.
Dia menyuruh pembantunya untuk segera pergi.
– Precept (petunjuk, bimbingan, didikan)
Direct Speech (DS):
He said to his young brother, “Study hard.”
Dia berkata kepada adiknya, “Belajarlah dengan giat.”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He advised his young brother to study hard.
Dia menasihati adiknya untuk belajar dengan giat.
– Request (permohonan)
Direct Speech (DS):
He said to his friend, “Please come to my house.”
Dia berkata kepada temannya, “Silakan datang ke rumahku.”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He asked his friend to come to his house.
Dia memohon temannya untuk datang ke rumah.
– Entreaty (permohonan yang sangat mendesak)
Direct Speech (DS):
He said to his master, “Pardon me, Sir.”
Dia berkata pada majikannya, “Maafkan saya, Tuan.”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He begged his master to pardon him.
Dia memohon dengan sangat kepada majikannya untuk memaafkannya.
– Prohibition (larangan)
Direct Speech (DS):
He said to his sister, “Don’t go there.”
Dia berkata pada saudaranya, “Jangan pergi ke sana.”
Indirect Speech (IS):
He forbade his sister to go there.
Dia melarang saudaranya untuk pergi ke sana.
Contoh Direct and Indirect Speech
1. Contoh Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) dalam Bahasa Inggris
He said, “I will come here” (Dia berkata, “Saya akan datang kesini”)
She says to her friend, “I have been waiting” (Dia berkata pada temannya, “Saya sudah menunggu”)
He said to me, “Where are you going?” (Dia berkata pada saya, “Kemana kamu akan pergi?”)
“You must not forget what i told you”, Dani said (“Kamu tidak boleh lupa apa yang saya katakan padamu”, Kata Dani)
“I will ask Mr. Harris about that word”, Tiara told me (“Saya akan bertanya kepada Mr. Harris tentang kalimat tersebut”, Kata Tiara padaku)
You said, “He is a teacher” (Kamu berkata, “Dia seorang guru”)
Dewi said, “I want to eat pasta” (Dewi berkata, “Saya ingin makan pasta)
“We can speak Korean”, They said (“Kami bisa berbahasa Korea”, kata mereka)
2. Contoh Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tidak Langsung) dalam Bahasa Inggris
She asked him to help her (Dia memintanya untuk menolong dia)
She advised Bili not to be lazy (Dia menyarankan Bili agar tidak malas)
Rani asked me whether i was going away that day (Rani bertanya padaku apakah aku akan pergi saat itu)
Mama said that she would go there (Mama berkata bahwa ia akan pergi)
Desi ordered her friend to go away at once (Desi meminta temannya untuk pergi)
She said that she had to do her homework (Dia berkata bahwa dia harus menyelesaikan PR nya)
Dad said that he had written a letter (Ayah berkata bahwa dia telah menuliskan surat)
Fasha said that he would call me (Fasha berkata bahwa dia akan menelepon saya)
Contoh Soal Direct and Indirect Speech
Beragam latihan soal bahasa Inggris dapat Grameds temukan pada buku All New Big Book TOEFL+CD yang dapat membantu kamu dalam menguji seberapa baik kemampuan membaca, mendengar, berbicara, menulis dalam bahasa Inggris yang kamu miliki.
1. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
a. The headmaster warned the students, ‘pay your school fee not later than the tenth every month’.
b. The headmaster warned the students: pay your school fee not later than the tenth every month.
c. The headmaster warned the students, ‘pay your school fee not later than the tenth every month!’
d. The headmaster warned the students, pay your school fee not later than the tenth every month.
e. The headmaster warned the students, pay your school fee not later than the tenth every month!
Pembahasan : Penulisan tanda baca pada direct speech yang benar adalah diapit tanda petik (‘) atau kutip (“) dan huruf pertama dari kalimat langsung harus dalam kapital (huruf besar), tanda seru di akhir kalimat direct speech menunjukkan jenis kalimat perintah (command).
2. The secretary asked me … with Mr. Slamet.
a. did I have an appointment
b. how was my appointment
c. whether I had an appointment
d. when is my appointment
e. that I had an appointment
Pembahasan: Indirect speech yang berasal dari interrogative (pernyataan) dan tidak, susunannya selalu affirmative (pernyataan) dan tidak menggunakan kata kerja bantu sebelum subjeknya, maka A, B, dan D salah. Interrogative indirect speech selalu menggunakan kata tanya kunci jawaban dan pembahasan atau if atau whether sebagai kata hubung dan ini hanya dipenuhi oleh (C) whether I had an appointment.
3. … is not yet known.
a. Can he be involved in the trade of narcotics
b. He is involved in the trade of narcotics
c. Whether he is involved in the trade of narcotics
d. When he is involved in the trade of narcotics
e. Why is he involved in the trade of narcotics
Pembahasan: Ini adalah soal tentang reported speech. … is not yet known = … belum diketahui. Yang paling sesuai dengan kalimat di soal adalah whether = whether he is involved … is not yet known (Apakah dia terlibat … belum diketahui)
4. He said, “Don’t speak until you are spoken to.”
The indirect speech of the statement above is …
A. He didn’t tell me to speak until i am spoken to
B. He told me not to speak until i am spoken to
C. He told me not to speak until i was spoken to
D. He told me not to speak until i was spoken to
E. He didn’t tell me to speak until i was spoken to
Pembahasan: Untuk kalimat tidak langsung dari suatu larangan, dapat dilakukan hanya dengan menambahkan NOT TO di depan kalimat, dan apabila kalimat langsungnya berupa present tense, maka kalimat tidak langsungnya menjadi past tense.
5. Mr. Johnson asked Mary, “When can you finish the letter?”
Mr. Johnson asked Mary …
A. When can you finish the letter
B. When can she finish the letter
C. When you can finish the letter
D. When she could finish the letter
E. If she could finish the letter
Pembahasan: Apabila kalimat langsung menggunakan kata tanya WH Question+How, maka kalimat tidak langsungnya tetap menggunakan kata tanya yang sama, hanya tenses-nya yang berubah. Present tense menjadi past tense dan susunan kalimat pertanyaan pada kalimat langsung berubah jadi pernyataan pada kalimat tidak langsung.
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การใช้ Direct speech กับ Indirect speech | Eng ลั่น [by We Mahidol]
เวลาเราอ่านหรือเขียนหนังสือภาษาอังกฤษ เราจะได้พบกับรูปประโยคของ Direct Speech และ Indirect Speech กันบ่อยมาก ๆ แต่เราก็ยังสับสนอยู่ดีว่าการเขียนรูปประโยคที่ถูกต้องของทั้งสองแบบนี้แตกต่างกันยังไง
วันนี้พี่คะน้า รุ่นพี่วิทยาลัยนานาชาติ ม.มหิดล จะมาอธิบายการเขียนรูปแบบประโยคของ Direct Speech และ Indirect Speech ที่ถูกต้องในแบบฉบับที่สั้นกระชับและเข้าใจง่าย พร้อมแบบทดสอบท้ายคลิป เมื่อดูจบแล้วจะสามารถเขียนรูปประโยคทั้ง Direct Speech และ Indirect Speech ได้อย่างถูกต้องมั่นใจแน่นอน
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PM’s speech at launch of two innovative customer centric initiatives of the Reserve Bank of India
PM Modi launched two innovative customer centric initiatives of RBI viz. Retail Direct Scheme and the Reserve Bank Integrated Ombudsman Scheme. The PM said that these schemes will expand the scope of investment in the country and make access to capital markets easier, more secure for investors.
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Lesson on DIRECT and INDIRECT SPEECH (He said he had understood my lesson.)
We use the direct speech when are speaking. But if we want to report what someone else said we have to use indirect speech. To do that, we go a tense back to report it. There is an exception to this rule: when we are reporting something that is always true. Check out this video and start learning now! I’ll show you a few examples on how to use it, and two diagrams showing how to change from direct to indirect speech.
Watch, Listen \u0026 Speak English !
Mr. P. is a Canadian English Teacher/Coach from Toronto, in Canada who has been teaching English since 1997. He taught English to adults in Rome for 20 years.
Since 2018, he has been teaching English at an international high school in Canada.
He is an Honorary Fellow in the English Language at UNITELMA La Sapienza University in Rome. In the past, he was also a Language Monitor at the University of Toronto. He has also taught English to many important politicians and celebrities in Italy. He is a certified English Teacher specialized in TEFL, TESL, TESOL (Arizona State University) \u0026 TOEFL.
In his channel, Marc aims to make his lessons concise and effective for everyone. Subscribe for weekly updates and please make comments and requests.
ENGLISH SPEECH | STEVE JOBS: Stanford Speech(English Subtitles)
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Direct Speech and Indirect Speech | English Grammar \u0026 Composition Grade 4 | Periwinkle
Direct Speech and Indirect Speech | English Grammar \u0026 Composition Grade 4 | Periwinkle
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ขอบคุณมากสำหรับการดูหัวข้อโพสต์ direct speech