infinitive: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้
“Ing”-es vagy ne “inges”? Nagyon sok – még haladóbb szinten lévő – tanulónak is gondot okoz, hogy mikor kell gerund-ot és infinitive-et használni.
Gerund és infinitive alakok használata 1.
Először is tisztázzuk, hogy mi micsoda, így talán könnyebb lesz megérteni a szabályokat, és megtalálni a logikáját annak, hogy mikor melyiket kell használni.
Az „infinitive” magyarul főnévi igenevet jelenet. Az angol nyelvben két formája létezik a csupasz, azaz „bare infinitive”, illetve a „to infinitive”, amely – ahogy a neve is mutatja – felveszi maga elé a „to” szócskát.
Nagyon fontos, hogy nem egyezik meg (teljes egészében) a magyar főnévi igenév használatával, így amikor el szeretnéd dönteni, hogy melyiket használod egy adott mondatban, akkor ne a magyar nyelvből indulj ki.
Az „infinitive” alakokat használjuk szótári alakként is. Mi a „to” szócskával ellátott formát szoktuk a szószedetekben használni, de sok (főleg egynyelvű) szótár a csupasz alakot tünteti fel.
A „gerund”, mint szófaj nem létezik a magyar nyelvben, talán ezért is okoz legtöbbször nehézséget a megértése a magyar nyelvtanulók számára. A legtöbben „inges” igének szokták hívni, ami helytelen, hiszen a „gerund” önmagában lehet főnév, melléknév, határozói vagy melléknévi igenév, de ige soha. Hogy ez világosabb legyen, nézzünk egy példát.
1) You’re learning English at the moment.– Te most éppen angolul tanulsz.
Itt a „gerund” egy Present Continuous igeidőben képzett állítmány (are learning) része, ami ugye áll egy megfelelően képzett „be” létigéből és egy „gerund”-ból.
2) Learnig English is fun.– Az angoltanulás jó móka.
A „learning” szó ebben az esetben egy igéből képzett főnév, tehát gyakorlatilag főnév, magyarul „tanulás”.
3) She improved her English, learning 50 new words every day.– Naponta 50 új szót megtanulva fejlesztette angoltudását.
Ebben az esetben a „learning” határozói igenév (megtanulva), amely szófajhoz a magyarban a –va,-ve, -ván, -vén végződésű szavak tartoznak.
4) The boy, learning how to ride a bike, is my brother. – A biciklizni tanuló kisfiú az öcsém.
Ebben az esetben pedig folyamatos melléknévi igenév (tanuló) lesz a „gerund”.
A melléknévi igenév az ige egyik személytelen alakja (a főnévi és a határozói igenév mellett), amely a mondatban általában melléknévi szerepet tölt be. A melléknévi igenév az ige és a melléknév tulajdonságait ötvözi. A mai magyar nyelvben háromféle melléknévi igenevet szoktunk megkülönböztetni: a folyamatos (egyidejű), a befejezett (előidejű) és a beálló (utóidejű) melléknévi igenevet. A folyamatos melléknévi igenév képzője az -ó/ő, a befejezetté a múlt idő jelével többnyire megegyező alakú -(o)t(t), a beállóé az -andó/endő.
Mielőtt részletesen megnéznénk, hogy mikor melyik alakot kell használni, röviden, nagy vonalakban összefoglalom a legfontosabb tudnivalókat.
„Gerund”(azaz „inges”) alakot használunk:
– bizonyos igék után: I enjoy cooking. – Szeretek főzni.
– prepozíciók után: She drank a cup of coffee before leaving. – Ivott egy csésze kávét, mielőtt elment („elmenés előtt”).
– amennyiben az ige(név) a tárgya vagy az alanya a mondatnak: Swimming is a great sport. – Az úszás kitűnő sport.
„To+infinitive”alakot használunk:
– bizonyos igék után: I decided to quit. – Úgy döntöttem, hogy kilépek.
– számos melléknév után: It’s difficult to get upearly. – Nehéz korán felkelni.
– célhatározói mondatokban: I came to England to studyEnglish. – Azért jöttem Angliába, hogy angolul tanuljak.
„bare infinitive”(azaz „csupasz”, „to” nélküli) alakot használunk:
– módbeli segédigék után: I can pick youupat 6 o’clock. – Fel tudlak venni 6 órakor.
– a „let”, „make” és általában a „help” igék után: The mother let her childrenplay alone in the playground. – Az anyuka hagyta egyedül játszani a gyerekeit a játszótéren.
– néhány érzékeléssel kapcsolatos ige (see, watch, hear, notice, feel, sense) után: I saw her
– walk awaywith him. – Láttam, hogy elmegy vele.
– A „why” szóval bevezetett mondatok után: Why not goout for a cup of coffee before work? – Miért nem megyünk el inni egy csésze kávét munka előtt?
1. I enjoy cooking.- Szeretek főzni.
2. He denied stealing the money. – Tagadta, hogy ellopta a pénzt.
A „gerund” formát használjuk, amikor egy olyan cselekvésről beszélünk, amely egyidejű vagy előidejű cselekvést fejez ki a főigéhez képest.
1. A főzéssel egy időben szeretem csinálni azt.
2. Tagadta, hogy ellopta volna a pénzt korábban.
1. I decided to visit my uncle. – Úgy döntöttem, hogy meglátogatom a nagybácsim.
2. I want to go to the cinema. – El akarok menni moziba.
Az „infinitive” formát használjuk, amikor a főigéhez képes utóidejű cselekvést szeretnénk kifejezni.
1. Úgy döntöttem, hogy a jövőben meg fogom látogatni. (a döntést követően)
2. El akarok menni majd moziba (a döntésemet követően).
Fontos, hogy ezek a szabályok útmutatók, nem minden esetben valósulnak meg, fontos, hogy figyeljünk a kivételekre is. Most pedig térjünk át a részletes használatokra.
1) A következő tetszésnyilvánítást kifejező igék után általában „gerund” formát használunk: like, love, enjoy, dislike, hate
2) A következő igék után is „gerund” alakot használunk: admit, advise, allow, anticipate, avoid, appreciate, complete, consider, delay, deny, fancy, finish, go, imagine, involve, keep, mention, mind, miss, permit, postpone, practice, reject, resist, risk, suggest, waste
A következő prepozíciók után általában „gerund” formát használunk: aim at, keen on, interested in, instead of, good at, before …, after …
It’s no use, It’s no good, There’s no point in, I can’t help, I don’t mind, I can’t stand, I can’t bear
Jövőbeli cselekvésekre irányuló igékkel általában „infinitive” alakot használunk: afford, agree, aim, arrange, attempt,choose, consent, decide, deserve, demand, endeavor, expect, fail, happen, help, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, proceed, promise, refuse, seem, swear, threaten, volunteer, want, would hate, would like, would love
A következő melléknevek után is általában „infinitive” alakot használunk: be determined, be disappointed, be glad, be happy, be pleased
A „too” (túlságosan) és az „enough” (eléggé) kifejezések után is „infinitive” alakot használunk.
A következő igéknél azonban nem mindegy, hogy melyik alakot használod. Nézzük is meg a különbséget (nagyon fontos, hogy itt mindkét igei alak – a főige és a „gerund” vagy „infinitive” is ugyanarra a személyre vonatkozik):
remember + GERUND:emlékszik, hogy csinált korábban valamit
I remember walking with him on the seaside. – Emlékszem, hogy a tengerparton sétáltam vele.
remember + INFINITIVE:nem felejti el, hogy valamit csináljon majd
Remember to close all the windows before going out! –Ne felejtsd el becsukni az összes ablakot mielőtt elmész!
forget + GERUND:elfelejti, hogy csinált korábban valamit
I almost forgot speaking Italian. – Már majdnem elfelejtettem olaszul beszélni.
forget + INFINITIVE:elfelejti, hogy csinálnia kell valamit
Don’t forget to close all the windows before going out! – Ne felejtsd el becsukni az összes ablakot mielőtt elmész!
regret + GERUND:sajnálja, hogy korábban csinált valamit
I regret telling you all those lies. – Sajnálom, hogy azt a sok hazugságot mondtam neked.
regret + INFINITIVE:sajnálja, hogy csinálnia kell valamit
I regret to tell you that you failed the exam. – Sajnálom, hogy ezt kell hogy mondjam neked, de megbuktál a vizsgán.
stop + GERUND:abbahagy valamit
I stopped crying. – Abbahagytam a sírást.
stop + INFINITIVE:megáll, hogy csináljon valamit
Paul stopped to light a cigarette. – Paul megállt, hogy rágyújtson egy cigire.
try + GERUND:kipróbál vlamit
I tried parachuting. – Kipróbáltam az ejtőernyőzést.
try + INFINITIVE:megpróbál csinálni valamit
We tried to open the door with a key. – Megpróbáltuk kinyitni az ajtót egy kulccsal.
[NEW] Infinitive: Definition and Examples | infinitive – NATAVIGUIDES
1. What is an infinitive?
An infinitive is a verb that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb in order to express an opinion, purpose of an object or action, or answer the questions who, what, or why.
An infinitive usually begins with the word “to” and is followed by the base form of a verb (the simple form of the verb that you would find in the dictionary).
Examples of infinitives include to read, to run, to jump, to play, to sing, to laugh, to cry, to eat, and to go.
Remember that although infinitives are verbs, they do not function as verbs, instead they are used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Let’s look at some examples.
Infinitives as Nouns
Remember that a noun is a person, place, or thing. When an infinitive is used as the subject or direct object in a sentence, it functions as a noun.
The sentence’s subject performs the verb, while the sentence’s direct object receives the verb.
Example 1:
I love to sleep.
- In this sentence, the verb is “love.”
- Who or what receives the action of being loved? The infinitive “to sleep.”
- This makes “to sleep” the direct object of the sentence.
- In this case, the infinitive functions as a noun that expresses an opinion. It could be replaced with a person, place, or thing, as in, “I love pizza.”
Example 2:
To help others is so important.
- In this example, we have the verb “is.”
- Who or what is so important? The infinitive “To help.”
- In this case, the infinitive “to help” is the sentence’s subject.
- This means that the infinitive functions as a noun in this sentence.
2. Examples of Infinitives
Example 1
I really need to eat something.
- In this sentence, the verb is “need.”
- Who or what do I need? The infinitive “to eat.”
- “To eat” is the direct object of “need” because it receives the action.
- This is an example of an infinitive being used as a noun.
Example 2
We can’t play until we find a ball to throw.
- What is the purpose of the infinitive “to throw” in this sentence?
- It describes the noun “ball.” We don’t need just any ball, we need a ball “to throw.”
- Here, the infinitive is used as an adjective.
Example 3
Brenda left the camping trip early to recover from poison ivy.
- The infinitive in this example is “to recover.”
- What is the purpose of “to recover” in this sentence?
- It gives us more information about why Brenda left the trip early. It modifies the verb “left.”
- In this example, the infinitive functions as an adverb.
Example 4
Mom made my brother clean his room.
- This sentence uses the verb “made,” followed by the direct object “brother.”
- When the verb “made” is followed by an infinitive, the infinitive loses the “to.”
- It would be incorrect to write, “Mom made my brother to clean,” or, “Mom made to clean.”
- For this reason, the direct object is followed by the infinitive “clean” without the “to.”
3. Infinitives as Adjectives
An adjective is a word that modifies (adds to or describes) a noun. So infinitives function as adjectives when they modify or describe nouns in a sentence.
Joel wants a book to read.
- In this sentence, the verb is “wants” and the subject is the noun “book.”
- We also see the infinitive “to read.” What is the purpose of “to read” in this sentence?
- It describes the book; Joel isn’t looking for just any book, he’s looking for a book to read.
- In this sentence, the infinitive functions as an adjective.
4. Infinitives as Adverbs
Adverbs modify or describe adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs. They provide additional information about what, where, how, and to what extent or degree. Sometimes adverbs also answer the question, “Why?”
Infinitives function as adverbs when they are used to give more information about adjectives, verbs, or other adverbs in the sentence.
Example 1:
The students were excited to go on a field trip.
- In this sentence, the infinitive is “to go.”
- What is the purpose of “to go” in this sentence?
- The infinitive “to go” gives us more information about the adjective “excited”; it tells us what the students were excited about (going on a field trip).
- In this case, the infinitive functions as an adverb.
Example 2:
Mom is going to the store to buy dinner.
- In this sentence, the infinitive is “to buy.”
- What’s the purpose of “to buy” in this example?
- The infinitive “to buy” gives us more information about the verb “going”; it tells us why Mom is going to the store (to buy dinner).
- This is another example of how infinitives can function as adverbs.
5. Infinitives Without “To”
Almost always, infinitives begin with “to.” But infinitives lose the “to” when they follow these verbs:
- Feel
- Hear
- Help
- Let
- Make
- See
- Watch
These verbs are followed by a direct object, then by an infinitive without the “to.”
Example 1:
When I heard the alarm clock ring, I knew it was time to get up.
- This sentence uses the verb “heard” followed by the direct object, “alarm clock.”
- When infinitives follow the verb “heard,” they lose the “to.” We wouldn’t say, “I heard the alarm clock to ring,” or, “I heard to ring.”
- So, “alarm clock” is followed by the infinitive “ring” without the “to.”
- For this reason, this sentence correctly uses the infinitive without the “to.”
Example 2:
My mom helps me do my homework.
- This sentence uses the verb “helps” followed by the direct object “me.”
- When infinitives follow “helps,” they drop the “to.” In English, it doesn’t sound correct to write, “My mom helps me to do my homework,” or, “My mom helps to do.”
- So, “me” is followed by the infinitive “do” without the “to.”
- This is another correct example of using an infinitive without the word “to.”
6. Can You Split Infinitives?
Usually, no other word should come between “to” and the base verb that follows it. When this does happen, you get a split infinitive.
For example, you might say:
Ryan hopes to quickly eat his dinner so he won’t miss his favorite show.
In this case, the word “quickly” splits the infinitive “to eat.”
Some English teachers will tell you that you should never split an infinitive, while others might tell you that it’s okay, especially in informal writing. When in doubt, simply avoid splitting the infinitive.
In the example above, you could avoid splitting the infinitive by instead writing:
Ryan hopes to eat his dinner quickly so he won’t miss his favorite show.
Remember that infinitives are formed with the word to + the base form of a verb. Although infinitives are formed using verbs, they don’t function as verbs in a sentence. Instead, infinitives can function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.
English Grammar – 5 Ways to Use Infinitives A grammar lesson for advanced students of English. There are many ways to use infinitives in English. Did you know that an infinitive can be used as a subject, object, subject complement, adjective, or adverb? It’s true. In this grammar lesson, I look at these five common ways to use infinitives. Once you’re done with this lesson, don’t forget to check out my lessons on common verbs followed by infinitives, and active and passive infinitives.
Hey, everyone. I’m Alex. Thanks for clicking, and welcome to this lesson on five ways to use infinitives. To refresh our memory, an infinitive in English is \”to\” plus the base verb. So for example, \”to run\”, \”to play\”, \” \”to hide\”, \”to eat\”, \”to go\” these are all examples of infinitives. Now, despite the fact that infinitives refer to actions, they often perform the same function as nouns. So let’s look at the five ways that we can use infinitives in English.
So here, we have infinitives can be subjects. They can be the subject of a sentence. This is a very formal structure, but it is possible. For example, \”To do the right thing is not easy.\” \”To learn a new language is helpful.\” So here, we have \”to do\”, \”to learn\”, okay? And again, these are infinitives. And this is a very formal structure. So in speaking, we don’t often use infinitives as subjects, but I want you to know that it is possible. However, in speech, when we use infinitives in this kind of context, we usually put them in the middle of an \”it\” phrase. So for example, instead of saying, \”To do the right thing is not easy\”, we say, \”It’s not easy to do the right thing.\” Or instead of, \”To learn a new language is helpful\”, in common speech, we say, \”It’s helpful to learn a new language.\” Okay? So again, this is formal; this is much more common. Okay?
Second of all, infinitives can be objects. So for example, \”I want to help you.\” Here, we have \”I\”, \”the subject, \”want\”, the verb, \”to help\” and \”to help\”, here, would be an object. Okay? So, \”I want to help.\” \”They love to travel.\” And in both of these sentences, the infinitive is actually the object of the sentence.
Here, No. 3, infinitives can be subject complements. Now, a \”complement\” is basically something that gives you more information about the thing you’re talking about. In this situation, we want more information about the subjects of these sentences. So for example, \”Her job okay.\” \”Tell me more about her job.\” \”Her job is to assist you.\” So if this is a receptionist, for example, her job is to assist you. You’re giving more information about her job. \”My dream my dream is what is your dream? Give me more information about your dream.\” \”My dream is to open a business.\” Okay? So here, we have infinitives used as subject complements.
Now, these last two infinitives can be adjectives and adverbs you might be surprised because when you think of adjectives, you probably think of colors or words like \”happy\” or \”sad\” or \”cold\” or \”hot\”. However, if you’re not comfortable with thinking of them as adjectives, maybe think of them as object complements. And that’s another way to look at it if mentally it doesn’t make sense for an infinitive to be an adjective. However, let’s look at an example. \”I told you\” so here, we have subject, verb, object. \”I told you to wait.\” So what did I tell you? I told you to wait. So you’re describing what you told this person. \”He wants me to leave.\” What does he want me to do? He wants me to leave. So I’m describing what he wants. Again, adjectives are description words, right? Describing what he wants. I’m describing what I told you. Okay?
And finally, adverbs so again, adverbs give more information about a verb. In thinks situation, \”We must study\” we have the verb \”study\”. \”Why must we study?\” \”To learn.\” So here, you have verb plus infinitive. And here, \”I want to learn to sing.\” So here, \”I want to learn\” \”to learn\” is an object. And we want to give more information about the object and why we do it. So here, we have \”to sing\”.
Now, again, grammatically, if you don’t understand \”adjective\”, \”adverb\”, \”subject complement\”, it’s not I don’t want to say it’s not important, but in everyday speech, it’s not that important to be able to say, \”This is an adjective\”; \”this is an adverb\”; \”this is a complement.\” The most important thing is do you understand these sentences when you see them? Do you understand the meaning of, \”We must study to learn\”? \”I want to learn to sing\”? As long as you understand what the sentences mean, the grammatical language is not as important, as long as you know how to use it in different parts of the sentence. Okay?
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36. Gerunds and to infinitives
Động từ thêm ing và Động từ nguyên thể toV
Danh Động Từ (Gerunds): TO V, V-ING trong tiếng Anh / Chống Liệt Tếng Anh Ep. 19
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