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[Update] Definition, Examples and Exercises | simple future tense – NATAVIGUIDES

simple future tense: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้

Definition with Examples

Future Simple Tense is used to express the actions that are supposed to take place in the future. It could relate to the actions that could happen both in the near as well as late future, it may or may not have any time reference. Consider the following sentences in Future Simple Tense-

  • I shall go to school tomorrow.
  • She will pay her dues.
  • He will call you.
  • They will leave early.
  • She will go to the doctor.
  • We shall go to the amusement park today.
  • Children will play in the garden.
  • He will come tomorrow.
  • He will appear before the jury.

Note- Grammatically ‘will‘ should be used with third person pronoun i.e. – he, she, you, they etc and ‘shall’ should be used for first person pronouns- we, I.

There are many ways in which a future action can be expressed; we will go through the details separately. For just your reference some negative and interrogative Simple Future Tenses are given below.

Negative Sentences-

  • I shall not go to school tomorrow.
  • She will not pay her dues.
  • He will not call you.
  • They will not leave early.
  • She will not go to the doctor.

Interrogative Sentences-

  • Shall we go to the amusement park today?
  • Will the children play in the garden?
  • Will he come tomorrow?
  • Will the work be completed on time?

Below we will understand Positive, Negative and Interrogative sentences in Future Simple Tense with help of examples and exercises.

a) Positive Sentences

Structure/Formula for Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense

The basic structure/formula of Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense is-

  • (subject + auxiliary verb + main verb + object)
  • (subject + will/shall/may + base form of verb + object)

Rules for Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense

The auxiliary verb ‘will’ always implies to the future and so does ‘shall’. Please note that ‘shall’ should be used with – I, we, though it is also perfectly alright to use ‘will’ with ‘I’ or ‘We’. The base form of verb is used in Future Simple Tense sentences though there are few exceptions to the rule which we will study here. Go through the following sentences-

  • He will go to the conference.
  • I shall go to the office.
  • I will go to the office.
  • They will eat the dinner.

In the above sentences the speaker is talking about the future actions which are planned to happen in the near or far future. Note that though ‘shall’ should be used with ‘I’ and ‘we’ it is perfectly alright to use ‘will’ also. ‘Shall’ on the other hand may be used to suggest something for future as given in below example sentences-

  • You shall attend the meeting.
  • She shall sing in the concert.
  • We shall take part in the annual meet.

Though the above sentences are also in Future Simple Tense; they rather happen to suggest something in future – shall attend, shall sing, shall take part etc.

  • He may come tomorrow.
  • They may leave early.
  • She may call you.
  • We may visit your house.

In the above sentences the speaker is talking about future actions/incidents which may or may not happen. ‘May’ indicates doubt or unsure of a future incident.


Fill in the Blanks Exercises/Worksheet/Activities on Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Complete the below given sentences by filling in the blank spaces by proper auxiliary verb, main verb or subject. The formation of sentences may allow many options as to be used as subject or main verb; you are advised to use your own discretion in deciding them. You may take the help of the verb hints wherever provided.

1) I ___________ go to meet my parents tomorrow.

2) He ___________ wait for the train.

3) She will ___________ you in the evening. (calling)

4) _________ will reach early tomorrow.

5) Teacher will ___________ your name. (calling)

6) They will ___________ the meeting tomorrow. (attending)

7) The ice ___________ melt with time.

8) It ___________ rain tomorrow.

9) Dean will ____________ holiday tomorrow. (declaring)

10) I __________ convey the message.

11) The train will _____________ on time. (arriving)

12) We _________ go for a walk together.

13) The kid ___________ play in the house.

14) We ___________ have home cooked food.

15) In case of floods the buses __________ stop commuting.

16) He will ____________ the teacher for extra classes. (requesting)

17) They will ____________ a good accounts manager.

18) You _____________ go to see her off.

19) They ___________ immediately report the incident to authorities.

20) It ____________ go as per plan.

Answers- 1)shall/will, 2)will, 3)call, 4)He/she/will, 5)call, 6)attend, 7)will, 8)will, 9)declare, 10)shall, 11)arrive, 12)will/shall, 13)will, 14)will, 15)will, 16)request, 17)need, 18)shall, 19)shall, 20)will

MCQs Exercises/Worksheet/Activities for Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Choose proper words from the choices so as to complete the Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense. Verify your progress with the answers provided at the end.

1) I __________ have rice for dinner.

  1. a) will
  2. b) must
  3. c) should

2) We _________ fight with courage in the battlefield.

  1. a) should
  2. b) shall
  3. c) would

3) I __________ write a letter to the management.

  1. a) must
  2. b) can
  3. c) will

4) He will ____________ in the court tomorrow.

  1. a) appeared
  2. b) appear
  3. c) appearing

5) She will __________ her parents tonight.

  1. a) meet
  2. b) met
  3. c) meeting

6) They ___________ go to the amusement park on New Year.

  1. a) would
  2. b) will
  3. c) could

7) She _________ call you whenever she gets time.

  1. a) would
  2. b) should
  3. c) will

8) He will ____________ the jury with his arguments.

  1. a) convincing
  2. b) convince
  3. c) convinced

9) Principal ___________ reject our application.

  1. a) should
  2. b) could
  3. c) will

10) We _________ shift to our new office soon.

  1. a) will
  2. b) would
  3. c) should

11) He will _________ her tomorrow.

  1. a) met
  2. b) meet
  3. c) meeting

12) They __________ leave early to their home.

  1. a) should
  2. b) could
  3. c) may

13) They _________ play in the match tomorrow.

  1. a) should
  2. b) would
  3. c) may

14) We _________ call the police.

  1. a) could
  2. b) shall
  3. c) would

15) He will ___________ you a lesson.

  1. a) taught
  2. b) teach
  3. c) teaching

16) She ___________ give you her number.

  1. a) would
  2. b) should
  3. c) will

17) We __________ take holiday tomorrow.

  1. a) would
  2. b) will
  3. c) should

18) They __________ come to meet us.

  1. a) will
  2. b) would
  3. b) could

19) Children will ___________.

  1. a) played
  2. b) plays
  3. c) play

20) If the alarm goes off people will ___________.

  1. a) panicked
  2. b) panic
  3. c) panicking

Answers- 1)a, 2)b, 3)c, 4)b, 5)a, 6)b, 7)c, 8)b, 9)c, 10)a, 11)b, 12)c, 13)c, 14)b, 15)b, 16)c, 17)b, 18)a, 19)c, 20)b

True or False Exercises/Worksheet/Examples on Positive Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Determine whether the following sentences are true or false and also check for the corrected sentences with the answers provided at the end of the exercise.

1) I will not go to school.

2) She will call you.

3) They would meet you tomorrow.

4) He will go to the gym from tomorrow.

5) She can go to the college since tomorrow.

6) It will work as expected.

7) He will not leave a trail behind.

8) They will leaves for New York tomorrow.

9) She will not attend the marriage.

10) He may get his books back.

Answers- 1)False, 2)True, 3)False, 4)True, 5)False, 6)True, 7)False, 8)False, 9)False, 10)True

1) I will go to school.

3) They will meet you tomorrow.

5) She will go to the college from tomorrow.

7) He will leave a trail behind.

8) They will leave for New York tomorrow.

9) She will attend the marriage.

b) Negative Sentences

Structure/Formula for Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense

The basic Structure/Formula for Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense is-

  • (subject + auxiliary verb + Not +main verb + object)
  • (subject + will/shall/may + Not +base form of verb + object)

Rules for Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense

The rules for forming Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense is simple- It starts with the subject i.e.- I, we, he, she, they etc followed by the aux. verbs- will/shall/may and then by ‘not’ before the base form of the main verb and finally ending with the object.

Go through the below sentences –

  • He will not come tomorrow.
  • She will not sing in the concert.
  • I shall not be buying a new car.
  • We shall not go to college tomorrow.
  • He may not come.
  • She may not swim for the tournament.

c) Negative – Interrogative Sentences

The Future Simple Negative sentences may be prefixed with question words- ‘why’, ‘how’, only with the sentences having ‘will’ as an auxiliary verb. For example-

  • Why he will not come tomorrow? Or Why will he not come tomorrow?
  • Why she will not sing in the concert? Or Why will she not sing in the concert?

Also the Negative Sentences may be converted into Interrogative-Negative sentences directly by exchanging the places of subject with Auxiliary verbs like-

  • Will he not come tomorrow?
  • Will she not sing in the concert?
  • Shall I not be buying a new car?


Fill in the Blanks Exercises/Worksheet/Activities on Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Complete the below given sentences by filling in the blank with the appropriate auxiliary verbs, not or main verb. Take the help of the verb hints wherever provided. Crosscheck your progress with answers provided at the end.

1) I __________ not go on call.

2) She will __________ buy a new car.

3) They __________not come in the party.

4) We ________ not go to the movie.

5) He will _________ study for the exams.

6) She will not __________ in the chorus.

7) This will __________ work.

8) I ___________ not call him today.

9) They __________ not go to the park.

10) Children ___________ not go to school.

11) You _________not need any money.

12) It will ___________ rain today.

13) They __________ not call you.

14) They ________ not _________ for the train. (waiting)

15) I will not ___________ the meeting. (attending)

16) She ________ not leave you alone.

17) Life _________ not disappoint you; if you make an effort.

18) The grass ________ not look greener when you are unhappy.

19) People __________  not ___________ you after you are gone. (remembering)

20) They will __________ pay their dues soon.

Answers- 1)will 2)not, 3)will, 4)will, 5)not, 6)sing, 7)not, 8)will, 9)will, 10)will, 11)will, 12)not, 13)will, 14)will, wait, 15)attend, 16)will, 17)will, 18)will, 19)will, remember, 20)not

MCQs Exercises/Worksheet/Activities on Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Choose proper words from the choices so as to complete the Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense. Verify your progress with the answers provided at the end.

1) He ________ not call you.

  1. a) will
  2. b) would
  3. c) should

2) She will _________ need you.

  1. a) never
  2. b) ever
  3. c) not

3) They __________not meet you.

  1. a) should
  2. b) may
  3. c) could

4) It will not _________.

  1. a) working
  2. b) worked
  3. c) work

5) You will ___________ carry the bag.

  1. a) never
  2. b) not
  3. c) ever

6) He will not ___________ his friends.

  1. a) called
  2. b) calls
  3. c) call

7) They ____________ not leave early tomorrow.

  1. a) would
  2. b) will
  3. c) could

8) We will not __________ a hotel.

  1. a) book
  2. b) booked
  3. c) booking

9) She __________ not ___________ today.

  1. a) will, cooked
  2. b) shall, cooking
  3. c) will, cook

10) They will not ____________ the fault.

  1. a) repaired
  2. b) repair
  3. c) repaired

11) He will __________ receive the medal.

  1. a) never
  2. b) ever
  3. c) not

12) They _________ not go to the party.

  1. a) will
  2. b) might
  3. c) could

13) Life ________ not offer you roses always.

  1. a) could
  2. b) will
  3. c) should

14) Teacher _________ not teach today.

  1. a) could
  2. b) would
  3. c) will

15) He will not ____________ to office today.

  1. a) drive
  2. b) drives
  3. c) driving

16) They will __________ report the incident.

  1. a) never
  2. b) not
  3. c) ever

17) She will not ____________ alone.

  1. a) travel
  2. b) travels
  3. c) travelled

18) He will ___________ call her.

  1. a) never
  2. b) ever
  3. c) not

19) They _________ not wait for you.

  1. a) would
  2. b) will
  3. c) could

20) You will __________ go on leave.

  1. a) never
  2. b) ever
  3. c) not

Answers- 1)a, 2)c, 3)b, 4)c, 5)b, 6)c, 7)b, 8)a, 9)c, 10)b, 11)c, 12)a, 13)b, 14)c, 15)a, 16)b, 17)a, 18)c, 19)b, 20)c

True or False Exercises/Worksheet/Activities on Negative Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Determine whether the following sentences are true or false and also check for the corrected sentences with the answers provided at the end of the exercise.

1) I will not attend the meeting.

2) She will call you.

3) They will not remind you.

4) He will not attending you.

5) It will not work from tomorrow.

6) You will not writing the letter tomorrow.

7) They will not reach tomorrow.

8) He will not calls you.

9) She will not reply.

10) You will not leave.

Answers- 1)True, 2)False, 3)True, 4)False, 5)True, 6)False, 7)True, 8)False, 9)True, 10)True

Crosscheck your answer with the corrected sentences provided below:

2) She will not call you.

4) He will not attend you.

6) You will not write the letter tomorrow.

8) He will not call you.

d) Interrogative Sentences

Structure/Formula for Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense

The basic Structure/Formula for Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense is-

  • (auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + object)
  • ( will/shall + subject + base form of the verb + object)

Rules for Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense

The structure of the Interrogative sentences is similar to that of the positive sentences with the only exception that the former begin with the auxiliary verbs. The base form of the verb is used as in the positive and negative sentences.

Carefully read the following sentences as examples-

  • Shall I go to college?
  • Will I receive the medal?
  • Will they dance in the party?
  • Will she call you?
  • Will the dean declare holiday?

Note- A sentence can begin with ‘may’ only if it intends to make a wish and in this case it will not remain as interrogative.

For Example-

  • May you get well soon.
  • May he get his lost money.
  • May the sun shines bright tomorrow.

Interrogative-Negative Sentences

The Interrogative Sentences may be converted into Interrogative-Negative sentences by inserting ‘not’ between the subject and main verb.

For Example-

  • Shall I not go to college?
  • Will I not receive the medal?
  • Will they not dance in the party?
  • Will she not call you?
  • Will the dean not declare holiday?


Fill in the Blanks Exercises/Worksheet/Activities on Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Complete the below given sentences by filling in the blanks with the appropriate auxiliary verbs making the sentence as interrogative in future simple tense. Take the help of the verb hints wherever provided. Crosscheck your progress with answers provided at the end.

1) _________ they send him home?

2) __________ they buy a new home?

3) Will she __________ the dinner tonight? (cooking)

4) Will they ____________ the door on hearing the bell? (opening)

5) ________ the children play together?

6) _________ they ___________ the train on time? (boarding)

7) Will you __________ on time? (reaching)

8) ________ she read the lesson at home?

9) Will he _________ me home? (dropping)

10) Will the children __________ in class? (listening)

11) ________ the teachers ___________ today? (teaching)

12) ________ he delay the proceeding?

13) _________ they _________ to pay? (refusing)

14) ________ she do well in the exams?

15) Will _________ call you?

16) Will the students ________ the teacher about their plans? (informing)

17) Will the train ____________ on time? (leaving)

18) Will she ____________ for her mistakes? (apologizing)

19) _________ the company ___________ its products for inspection? (recalling)

20) Will you __________ me through? (guiding)

Answers- 1)will, 2)will, 3)cook, 4)open, 5)will, 6)will, board, 7)reach, 8)will, 9)drop, 10)listen, 11)will, teach, 12)will, 13)will, refuse, 14)will, 15)she/he/they, 16) inform, 17)leave, 18)apologize, 19)will, recall, 20)guide

MCQs Exercises/Worksheet/Activities on Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense:

Choose proper words from the choices so as to complete the Interrogative Sentences in Future Simple Tense. Verify your progress with the answers provided at the end.

1) ________ he go to the college tomorrow?

  1. a) will
  2. b) could
  3. c) would

2) _________ I call her before she leaves?

  1. a) will
  2. b) would
  3. c) should

3) Should _________ arrange a fare well party?

  1. a) they
  2. b) we
  3. c) she

4) ________ he _________ me tomorrow?

  1. a) will, meet
  2. b) could, meeting
  3. c) should , meets

5) _______ she call you?

  1. a) would
  2. b) will
  3. c) could

6) Will he ___________ me?

  1. a) meeting
  2. b) meets
  3. c) meet

7) Will you _________ some food for me?

  1. a) brought
  2. b) bring
  3. c) brings

8) Will she ___________ in the contest?

  1. a) sang
  2. b) sings
  3. c) sing

9) __________ they play in the garden?

  1. a) Will
  2. b) should
  3. c) could

10) Will he ___________ his job?

  1. a) left
  2. b) leave
  3. c) leaving

11) _________ he ___________ the door?

  1. a) will, closes
  2. b) shall, closed
  3. c) will, close

12) _________ it rain today?

  1. a) will
  2. b) should
  3. c) could

13) Will the children _________ the fest?

  1. a) enjoyed
  2. b) enjoy
  3. c) enjoying

14) ________ you help him?

  1. a) would
  2. b) could
  3. c) will

15) Will you __________ to the party?

  1. a) come
  2. b) comes
  3. c) coming

16) ________ he ________ a new college next year?

  1. a) will, joins
  2. b) will, join
  3. c) will, joining

17) Will he ____________ my name for the championship?

  1. a) recommended
  2. b) recommends
  3. c) recommend

18) ________ they preserve their culture?

  1. a) would
  2. b) will
  3. c) could

19) Will he ____________ the consignment on time.

  1. a) receives
  2. b) received
  3. c) receive

20) ________ they respond promptly.

  1. a) will
  2. b) would
  3. c) could

Answers- 1)a, 2)c, 3)b, 4)a, 5)b, 6)c, 7)b, 8)c, 9)a, 10)b, 11)c, 12)a, 13)b, 14)c, 15)a, 16)b, 17)c, 18)b, 19)c, 20)a

True or False Exercises/Worksheets/Activities on Interrogative Future Simple Tense Sentences-

Determine whether the following sentences are true or false. Crosscheck your progress with the answers provided at the end of the exercise.

1) Will she call me?

2) Will they going tomorrow?

3) Will he go to college?

4) Will they travelling together?

5) Will it work properly?

6) Will the reports been good?

7) Will he recollect what I told?

8) Will the children remaining quite?

9) Will the judge be unbiased?

10) Will he meet me?

Answers- 1)True, 2)False, 3)True, 4)False, 5)True, 6)False, 7)True, 8)False, 9)True, 10)True

Crosscheck your answers with the corrected sentences provided below:

2) Will they go tomorrow?

4) Will they travel together?

6) Will the reports be good?

8) Will the children remain quiet?

Related Links:

Future Continuous Tense
Future Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Continuous Tense

[NEW] Definition, Formula, Rules, Exercises and Examples in Hindi | simple future tense – NATAVIGUIDES


What is Simple Future Tense? Examples, Formula, Exercises in Hindi, Simple Future Tense Rules with Video Explanation

Simple Future Tense – This article includes definition, formulae and rules for framing sentences in Simple Future Tense and example sentences. All this is simultaneously explained in Hindi for better understanding. The lesson also includes video explanation of the rules and practise exercise at the end so that you can assess how much you have learnt about the Simple Future Tense.


Simple Future Tense Definition

Simple Future Tense is used to express an action that will occur or happen in the future. The simple future tense refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty.





Simple Future Tense Examples and formulae

The Simple Future Tense formula remains the same for First Person Singular and Plural. Also, the formulae for Second Person, Third person Singular and Plural remains the same. The different formulae for making sentences in the Simple Future Tense are as follows:




Simple Future Tense Formula for First Person Singular/ Plural

The formula for Simple Future Tense when the First Person is Singular or Plural is that the sentence starts with the subject i.e I/ We, then a verb in its 1st form, followed by an object which is optional.
So, we can say that the formula for Simple Future Tense for First Person Singular is as follows –

I/ We + shall + verb (1st form)+ object (optional)

Let us see some example sentences with formula for Simple Future Tense when the First Person is Singular/ Plural:

1) I shall study hard for exams.

मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन करूँगा।

2) I shall go to work every day.

मैं हर दिन काम पर जाऊँगा।

3) We shall sleep late on Saturdays.

हम शनिवार को देर से सोएंगे।

4) I shall see a movie every week.

मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देखूँगा।

5) We shall swim on Sundays.

हम रविवार को तैरेंगे।

For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘shall not’ before the root form of the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.

I/ We + shall not + verb (1st form)+ object (optional)

Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Simple Future Tense when the First Person is Singular /Plural:

1) I shall not study hard for exams.

मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं करूँगा।

2) I shall not go to work everyday.

मैं रोज काम पर नहीं जाऊँगा।

3) We shall not sleep late on Saturdays.

हम शनिवार को देर से नहीं सोएंगे।

4) I shall not watch a movie every week.

मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देखूंगा।

5) We shall not swim on Sundays.

हम रविवार को नहीं तैरेंगे।

For converting these sentences into interrogative sentences the formula is that you add Shall at the start of the sentence followed by Subject and the rest of the rule remains the same.

Shall + I/ We + verb (1st form)+ object (optional)?

Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Simple Future Tense when the Person is Singular/ Plural:

1) Shall I study hard for exams?

क्या मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन करूंगा?

2) Shall I go to work everyday?

क्या मैं रोज़ काम पर जाऊंगा?

3) Shall we sleep late on Saturdays?

क्या हम शनिवार को देर से सोएंगे ?

4) Shall I watch a movie every week?

क्या मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देखूंगा?

5) Shall we swim on Sundays?

क्या हम रविवार को तैरेंगे?

For converting these sentences into negative interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘Shall’ at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.

Shall + I/ We + not + verb (1st form)+ object (optional)?

Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Simple Future Tense when the Person is Singular/ Plural:

1) Shall I not study hard for exams?

क्या मैं परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं करूंगा?

2) Shall I not go to work everyday?

क्या मैं रोज़ काम पर नहीं जाऊंगा?

3) Shall we not sleep late on Saturdays?

क्या हम शनिवार को देर से नहीं सोएंगे?

4) Shall I not watch a movie every week?

क्या मैं हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देखूंगा?

5) Shall we not swim on Sundays?

क्या हम रविवार को नहीं तैरेंगे?


Also See:

Past Tense of Come

Past Tense of Fall

Past Tense of Lead

Past Tense of Read

Past Tense of Bite


Simple Future Tense Formula for Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural

The formula for Simple Future Tense when the Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural are involved is that the sentence starts with You/ He/ She/ Common or proper nouns/ They, with will and then a verb in its 1st form followed by an object which is optional.
So, we can say that the formula for Simple Future Tense for Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural is as follows –

You/ He/ She/ Common or proper nouns/ They + will + verb (1st form)+ object (optional)


Let us see some example sentences with formula for Simple Future Tense when the Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural are involved:

1) You will study hard for exams.

आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन करेंगे।

2) He will go to work every day.

वह प्रतिदिन काम पर जाएगा।

3) He will sleep late on Saturdays.

वह शनिवार को देर से सोएगा।

4) Girls will see a movie every week.

लड़कियां हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देखेंगी।

5) They will swim on Sundays.

वे रविवार को तैरेंगे।

For converting these sentences into negative sentences the formula is that you add ‘not’ before the verb and the rest of the rule remains the same.

You/ He/ She/ Common or proper nouns/ They + will + not + verb (1st form)+ object (optional)


Let us see some examples of negative sentences with the formula for Simple Future Tense when the Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural are involved:

1) You will not study hard for exams.

आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं करेंगे।

2) He will not go to work everyday.

वह रोज काम पर नहीं जाएगा।

3) She will not sleep late on Saturdays.

वह शनिवार को देर से नहीं सोएगा।

4) Girls will not watch a movie every week.

लड़कियाँ हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देखेगी।

5) They will not swim on Sundays.

वे रविवार को नहीं तैरेंगे।

For converting these sentences into interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ‘Will’ at the start of the sentence followed by the subject and the rest of the rule remains the same.

Will + [subject] + verb (root form) + object(optional)?

Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Simple Future Tense when the Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural are involved :

1) Will you study hard for exams?

क्या आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन करेंगे?

2) Will he go to work everyday?

क्या वह रोज़ काम पर जाएगा?

3) Will she sleep late on Saturdays?

क्या वह शनिवार को देर से सोएगा?

4) Will girls watch a movie every week?

क्या लड़कियाँ हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म देखेगी?

5) Will they swim on Sundays?

क्या वे रविवार को तैरेंगे?

For converting these sentences into negative interrogative sentences the formula is that you add ’Will’ at the start of the sentence, then the subject and then ‘not’ and the rest of the rule remains the same.

Will + [subject] + not + verb (root form) + object (optional)?

Let us see some examples of interrogative sentences with the formula for Simple Future Tense when Second Person, Third Person Singular/ Plural are involved:

1) Will you not study hard for exams?

क्या आप परीक्षा के लिए कठिन अध्ययन नहीं करेंगे?

2) Will he not go to work everyday?

क्या वह रोज़ काम पर नहीं जाएगा?

3) Will she not sleep late on Saturdays?

क्या वह शनिवार को देर से नहीं सोएगा?

4) Will girls not watch a movie every week?

क्या लड़कियां हर हफ्ते एक फिल्म नहीं देखेंगी?

5) Will they not swim on Sundays.

क्या वे रविवार को नहीं तैरेंगे?


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