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Present Continuous Tense Konu Anlatımı #23 | ประโยค continuous tense

Present Continuous Tense Konu Anlatımı #23

นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูความรู้เพิ่มเติมที่นี่

İngilizce Şimdiki Zaman Konu Anlatımı videosunda Present Continuous Tense konu anlatımı yapıyorum.
Reklamsız, tahtaya zoomlu, sınırlı internet hatlarında bile açılabilen ve ömür boyu erişim veren Udemy Kursumu Deneyin:
Şimdiki zaman, “geliyor, gidiyor, yapıyor, ediyor” şeklinde, fiilin sonunda iyor takısının olduğu zaman. İlk önce Present Continuous Tense cümlelerinin nasıl kurulduğunu görelim, ardından bu zamanın nerelerde kullanıldığını öğrenelim. Olumlu cümleye özneyle başlıyoruz ve ardından o özneye uygun bir yardımcı fiil getiriyoruz. Şimdi fiili getireceğiz. Fiili emir formundan kurtarıp, sonuna iyor anlamına gelen bir şey eklememiz gerekiyor ki bu da ing veya İngilizce okunuşuyla [ayenci].
Nereye gittiklerini, ne yaptıklarını ve ne yediklerini belirtmek için fiilden sonra nesnemizi getirelim:
I am going to school.
He is doing his homework.
They are eating dinner.
Şimdi bu cümleleri olumsuz yapalım. Her zamanki gibi, yardımcı fiilin yanına not yazıyoruz:
I am not going to school.
He is not doing his homework.
They are not eating dinner.
Şimdi de yardımcı fiili cümlenin başına taşıyarak evethayırlı soru yapalım:
Am I going to school?
Is he doing his homework?
Are they eating dinner?
Olumsuz soru yapmamak olmaz:
Am I not going to school?
Isn’t he doing his homework?
Aren’t they eating dinner?
Konuşma dilinde sıkça kullanılan şu yapıyı da tercih edebilirdik tabi:
Aren’t I going to school?
Wh soru kelimeleriyle soru sormak istersek de, yukarıda kurduğumuz soru cümlesi formunun en başına bu kelimeleri yazıyoruz:
Why am I going to school?
Where is he doing his homework?
When are they eating dinner?
Bir cümlede, eylemin nerede gerçekleştiğini belirtmek için yer zarfı, ne zaman gerçekleştiğini belirtmek içinse zaman zarfı kullanmak isteyebilirsiniz. Mesela, “Ders çalışıyorum” cümlesine önce bir yer zarfı ekleyelim:
I’m studying at the library.
Şimdi de bir zaman zarfı ekleyelim ama bu cümle şimdiki zamanda olduğu için ona yakışan bir zaman zarfı olsun:
I’m studying at the library now.
Present continuous tense’de sıkça kullanılan diğer zaman zarfları da şunlar:
at the moment = şu anda
at this moment = şu anda
right now = tam şimdi
just now = tam şimdi
currently = şu anda
nowadays = bugünlerde
Son olarak, present continuous kullanım yerlerinden bahsetmek istiyorum çünkü bu noktada İngilizce ve Türkçenin yolları biraz ayrılıyor. Türkçede sonu iyor ile biten her cümleyi İngilizcede şimdiki zamanla kurmuyoruz. Mesela, şu meşhur “Seni seviyorum” cümlesinin neden “I’m loving you” şeklinde söylenmediğini hiç düşündünüz mü? O şekilde söylemiyoruz, çünkü şimdiki zaman İngilizcede gerçekten de o anda olan olayları anlatmak için kullanılıyor.
Şimdiki zaman bazen de gelecekte yapmayı planladığımız şeyler için kullanılıyor. Bu durum Türkçede de var. Örneğin, “Yarın New York’a uçuyorum” cümlesi, gelecek zamanı anlatmasına rağmen hem Türkçede hem de İngilizcede şimdiki zamanla kuruluyor:
I’m flying to New York tomorrow.
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Present Continuous Tense Konu Anlatımı #23

Learn CONTINUOUS TENSES in English the EASY way!

Do you hate grammar? I do! That’s why I love teaching easy tricks to make learning English grammar easy. Today, I’m going to teach you an easy trick to make the continuous tense easy! To start with, this tense is sometimes called ‘continuous’ and sometimes called ‘progressive’. Now that you know that, check out this lesson so you can improve your English grammar. Past, present, and future we’ll cover them all. I promise this won’t be a regular boring grammar lesson, because learning English with Ronnie is always FUN and EXCITING! Right? Right!
Quack, quack. Hi, my name’s Ronnie, and I’m going to go over some grammar with you. Do you hate grammar as much as I do? Oh, it’s so confusing. I really, really, really love teaching, but I really hate grammar. But I want to make it easy for you, so I found a new trick. Yes! Check this out. Tricks by Ronnie. Ronnie’s turning tricks. [Laughs] We’re going to do a little review to help you always get this continuous or progressive tense malarkey down pat. There is one method or one trick that’s really cool. Ready?
Meow. The answer is verb+ing. So, I want you to remember one thing from this lesson. In English, as soon as you have something that’s continuous or progressive, which is exactly the same… Sometimes your textbook will say \”continuous\”, some textbooks or some people will say \”progressive\”. It’s exactly the same. But what you have to know and the cool trick is that as soon as you have continuous or progressive, all this means is somewhere in the magic of the sentence there’s going to be verb+ing. Cool. So, present continuous, past continuous, future continuous, somewhere in these sentences, you’re going to have a verb+ing. The more you study grammar, you get into past perfect continuous. Oh. Present perfect continuous. Don’t worry about those right now, but just remember that whatever you have in progressive or continuous is going to have verbing somewhere in the sentence.
So let’s just go through the easy parts. We’re going to start, as we should, with the present tense. So present continuous or present progressive is the subject, plus, in this sentence, because it’s present tense, we’re going to have the present tense of the verb \”to be\”. So: \”is\”, \”am\”, \”are\” makes this present, \”is\”, \”am\”, \”are\”. Negative: \”isn’t\”, \”am not\”, or \”aren’t\”. Plus your continuous verbing. So, present continuous is subject plus \”is\”, \”am\”, \”are\”, and your magic verbing. Cool. As an example… [Makes noises] I am watching you. Or you are watching me, aren’t you? Yeah, you’re watching me, but I’m watching you. \”I am watching\” you. \”She is learning.\”, \”They are listening.\” So, this is our example of \”am\”, \”is\”, \”are\”, plus verbing. Negative example: \”He isn’t sleeping.\” Are you sleeping? Wake up. Come on. He isn’t sleeping. You’re not sleeping. Good. When we use this grammar, we have subject plus the verb \”to be\”, plus our magic verbing. We use present continuous for actions that are only happening right now at the moment. You cannot use this at any other point. You cannot say: \”Yesterday, I am eating.\” Oh, Ronnie confused. Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, yesterday. Ah, haha: \”was eating\” is good because this is past continuous.
So this is where, and probably the first and only time in your life, grammar’s going to make sense. If present continuous or present progressive is the verb \”to be\” plus verbing, the only thing that we’re going to change to make it past is we’re going to change the verb \”to be\” into the past tense, which is \”was\” or \”were\”. So to change it from present continuous to past continuous, you’re just changing \”to be\” verb. And then, of course, you’re going to add the verbing, because this is our magic. For example: \”He was walking…\” He was walking down the street. Usually, when we use past continuous or past progressive, we use it for telling a story. So, if you want to tell your friend about something really crazy that happened yesterday: \”We were talking, and all of a sudden, a giant panda bear came out and gave us a kiss.\” Yeah, good story, buddy. \”I wasn’t talking to him…\” This is an example of the negative. So, you can use \”was\”, \”wasn’t\”, \”were\”, or \”weren’t\”. Remember: \”He was\”, \”We were\”, \”I wasn’t\”. Be careful with your subject and your verb agreement. This is really important in all of the grammar.

Learn CONTINUOUS TENSES in English the EASY way!

หลักการใช้ Present continuous Tense ฉบับเข้าใจง่าย

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หลักการใช้ Present continuous Tense ฉบับเข้าใจง่าย

Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly | English Conversation Practice Easy

Learn English speaking easily quickly, Simple English conversation for a beginner.
Learn English and improve grammar, vocabulary and reading skills ➡️\r
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Learn English Speaking Easily Quickly | English Conversation Practice Easy

Present Progressive Tense | ESL Game

An ESL classroom game to practice the present progressive / present continuous tense. This ESL activity is great to introduce vocabulary such as ‘What’s he doing? He is swimming’ / ‘What’s she doing? She is eating?’ / ‘What are they doing? They are dancing.’
HOW TO PLAY: Simply play the video. There are ten present progressive pictures hidden by colored shapes. As the shapes slowly disappear, the student can try to guess what he/she is doing. Remember to PAUSE the video when students are ready to guess.


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