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[NEW] Punctuation Rules & Examples | colons – NATAVIGUIDES

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What are Colons?

The colon is a punctuation mark that looks like two periods stacked one on top the other (:). There are quite a few different ways to use colons. Here we share the basics of when to use a colon.

What is the Purpose of a Colon?

A colon is used to create separation between an independent clause and a list or explanation. It is also a very useful tool for separating independent clauses from quotations.


  • The historical board’s review committee includes the following officials:

the police chief

the mayor

the fire captain

the town council’s secretary

Notice that there is no period after the last word of the last item on the list.

  • There’s not much time: get to the sale while you still can.

When using a colon in a sentence like this, a period or other punctuation is used after the last word.

  • Our high school acting coach liked to use his favorite quotation, which is from Shakespeare’s : “We are such stuff as dreams are made on; and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”

As illustrated above, quotations introduced in such a way are often quite formal.

Additional Rules for Using the Colon Correctly

An additional frequent question to to use a colon, is . In many cases, it should be.

  • Einstein had this to say about art: “True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.”

  • Remember: The best gifts are meaningful ones from the heart.

  • There are reasons to love birthdays: First, they’re festive. Second, they give everyone a good excuse to eat cake and ice cream.

  • Let’s be clear about something: Exclamation points really have no place in business correspondence.


When Not to Use a Colon

It’s useful to know when to use a colon, but also when to colons altogether. When you’re considering whether to include a colon in a sentence, be sure that the introductory clause is capable of standing on its own, particularly if none of the conditions previously discussed in this guide are met.  Some examples of the types of sentences in which colons are often misused follow.

  • Grandma’s recipe for chocolate chip cookies included eggs, real butter, vanilla, and brown sugar.

Notice that there is no colon after the word “included.” Many writers mistakenly insert colons after this word.

  • Jim’s favorite candies were M&Ms, Life Savers, and Skittles.

There’s often a desire to place a colon after the word “were.” Learning when to use a colon, resist this urge unless you are making a formal list as illustrated at the beginning of this guide.

[NEW] Semicolons and Colons | colons – NATAVIGUIDES


General Use of Semicolons

Semicolons are end stop punctuation marks: they are used to mark the end of a sentence. Semicolons are primarily used instead of a period to separate two closely related independent clauses (word groups which can stand as sentence).  A semicolon should be used only when the independent clauses are so closely related, they seem to belong in one sentence.  A semicolon should only be used if both clauses have a subject and a verb; that is, the clause on each side of the semicolon can stand alone as a sentence.

Here is an example of a sentence with a semicolon:

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.

Semicolon still needed when second clause begins with introductory word(s):

Often, two independent clauses have introductory words beginning the second clause such as also, for example, however, consequently, then, and therefore. A semicolon is still required to join the two clauses, and an additional comma is also needed after the introductory words.

Here is an example of a sentence with two independent clauses where the second clause begins with an introductory word or words.

Blue jeans have become fashionable all over the world; however, the American originators still wear more jeans than anyone else.

Note that in this sentence the word however begins a new sentence.  Sometimes, the word however is in the middle of a sentence:

Americans, however, still wear more blue jeans than anyone else.

Here, there are not two independent clauses on both sides. There is only one, and the however is just inserted in the middle and does not start a new clause. Therefore, it should have a comma on both sides, not a semicolon.

Items in a series containing commas:

While not a common occurrence, semicolons are also used to separate more than two items in a series when there is a comma in one or more of the items.  Remember that when there are more than two items in a series, there must be a comma after each item except the last item.  The requirement to use semicolons when there is a comma in one or more of those items clarifies and separates the items.

Here is an example where semicolons are used to separate items in a series instead of commas since one or more has a a comma.

She went to Sparta, Georgia; Troy, New York; and Paris, North Carolina.

In the above example, she went to three cities.

Without the semicolons, the sentence would read as follows:

She went to Sparta, Georgia, TroyNew York, and Paris, North Carolina.

That would mean she went to five different places!


A colon is used after a word group that can stand alone as a sentence (independent clause) which introduces a word, words, or a list that further explain.

Here are examples of sentences using a colon:

All humans have one need in common: food.

There are many colors in the rainbow: blue, green, yellow, pink.

Many people have given their lives for one belief: They believed in freedom.

Do not use a colon after an incomplete statement or after the words such as, for example, or including.


I bought: eggs, milk, and cheese.


I bought eggs, milk, and cheese.

I bought three things: eggs, milk, and cheese.


I am allergic to such foods such as: eggs, milk, and cheese.


I am allergic to many foods such as eggs, milk, and cheese.

I am allergic to many foods: eggs, milk, and cheese.

A colon also is used after a sentence that introduces a quote.

She was quite surprised at the decision: “I can’t believe it,” she muttered.

Prichard Colon vs Vivian Harris September 11th, 2015: FULL FIGHT – PBC on Spike

Undefeated fighter Prichard Colon brought the fight to Vivian Harris in Toronto, at the Ricoh Coliseum on September 11th. Colon made quick work of Harris, impressing fans with a well balanced display of defense and offense before finishing Harris with a TKO in the 4th round.
Don’t miss his next fight. Download the free PBC calendar to your phone
Visit for info.

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Prichard Colon vs Vivian Harris September 11th, 2015: FULL FIGHT  - PBC on Spike

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How to use a semicolon – Emma Bryce

View full lesson:
It may seem like the semicolon is struggling with an identity crisis. It looks like a comma crossed with a period. Maybe that’s why we toss these punctuation marks around like grammatical confetti; we’re confused about how to use them properly. Emma Bryce clarifies best practices for the semiconfusing semicolon.
Lesson by Emma Bryce, animation by Karrot Entertainment.

How to use a semicolon - Emma Bryce

Geometry Dash- Comma (By Me)

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How to Use Colons | Grammar Lessons

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I’m going to talk to you about colons and how to properly use them, and also just how they function in a sentence. I like to think of colons as sort of the tada of the punctuation world. They tend to have that effect when you see it’s like you have a setup and then a colon, which is like \”Tada! I’m going to pull a rabbit out of my hat.\” And what follows the colon is the rabbit. So let me give you an example of how we might use it in a sentence. I have here, \”In conclusion: We need a better plan.\” So this is kind of like a tada moment that might come at the end of a speech that you’re giving to your coworkers, or the end of a meeting. In conclusion: We need a better plan.
It definitely gives some punch, some emphasis to that final thought that we need a better plan. One thing that’s really important to note is that when what follows a colon is a complete thought, we need to capitalize the first letter of the following word. So, \”In conclusion: We need a better plan.\” Here’s another way to use the colon. It comes in really handy when we have a list. So if we’re presenting a list to somebody, we can use the colon. In this sentence we say, \”The old plan has three merits: clarity, excitement, and selling power.\” You can see what follows the colon here is a list of qualities. So any time you have a list, you can consider the colon as a good way to set it up. I want you to note that in this case, we don’t capitalize the first word following the colon. And the reason for that is because what follows is not a complete thought. So if what follows the colon is a complete thought, capitalize the next word. If what follows is not a complete thought, lowercase it. And that’s how you use a colon.

How to Use Colons | Grammar Lessons

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