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Home » [NEW] Lista de verbos con ING en inglés y español en PDF [Más de 100] | verb ing – NATAVIGUIDES

[NEW] Lista de verbos con ING en inglés y español en PDF [Más de 100] | verb ing – NATAVIGUIDES

verb ing: นี่คือโพสต์ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับหัวข้อนี้

Descarga gratis en PDF esta lista de verbos con ING en inglés y español con más de 100 verbos y ejemplos fáciles de recordar.

¿Te cuenta identificar los verbos seguidos de ing? Entonces esta lección es ideal para que aclares todas esas dudas!

En 20 minutos aprenderemos las reglas del ing en inglés y puedes obtener la lista en PDF gratis de 100 verbos:

Uso del ING en inglés

Muchos de nuestros estudiantes nos preguntan cuándo se usa ing en inglés y han solicitado ejemplos de los
verbos acabados en ing.

Además, es muy simple y te lo vamos a explicar en esta guía con la teoría antes de llegar al listado de verbos ing en inglés y español.

La terminación ing en inglés hace referencia a los verbos «ando», «endo».

Estos son aquellos que están mostrando que una acción está sucediendo en ese preciso momento y que continúa llevándose a cabo.

Veamos varios ejemplos rápidos:

  • Cooking / cocinando
  • Eating / comiendo
  • Studying / estudiando
  • Reading / leyendo
  • Loving / amando

Viste lo fácil, entonces seguimos porque ya casi llegamos a los 100 verbos con ing en inglés y español.

¿Cómo usa el verbo be con ING?

Nos pregunta uno de nuestros estudiantes y vamos a explicarlo en esta sección, así que a prestar atención…

Igualmente, al momento de usar diferentes tiempos verbales, en algunos de los casos debes añadir ing a los verbos conjugados.

Esto se da puntualmente en el presente continuo, presente perfecto continuo, pasado continuo, pasado perfecto continuo y futuro perfecto continuo.

 Comparte esta lección con tus amigos y gana buen karma! 

¿Ves algo en común con estos tiempos anteriormente mencionados? SON CONTINUOS, es decir, que la acción prevalece a lo largo de un tiempo en específico.

¡Venga! Veamos ejemplos rápidos con verbos en inglés que terminen en ing para cada tiempo:

  • I am learning english / Yo estoy estudiando inglés
  • She has been dancing the whole night / Ella ha estado bailando toda la noche
  • They were driving from Argentina to Alaska / Ellos estaban viajando desde Argentina hasta Alaska
  • You have been working a lot, tak a rest / Tú has estado trabajando mucho, toma un descanso
  • He will be visiting his parent the next Summer / Él estará visitando a sus padres el próximo verano

Ya tienes las bases para realizar cualquiera de los ejercicios con ing en inglés que te encuentres en un texto educativo o en internet.

Asimismo, nos dimos a la tarea de crear esta lista de verbos con ING que contiene más de 100 y lo mejor de todo, es que también está con su traducción.

Más de 100 verbos con ING al final

Así que sin más preámbulo, comencemos a estudiarlos porque son bastante comunes en las conversaciones que tendrás incluso con nativos.

Igualmente, ten presente que al final de esta lección te explicaremos cómo descargar la lista de verbos con ING completa en formato PDF y gratis.

De esta forma, puedes guardarla en tu tu computador y así estudiar en cualquier momento.

Gerundio en inglésTraducción en infinitivoEjemploThinkingPensarThinking is good for your brain / Pensar es bueno para el cerebroSleepingDormirSleeping 8 hours daily is good for your mental health / Dormir ocho horas diarias es bueno para tu salud mentalWorkingTrabajarWorking and having fun should be a great balance / Trabajar y divertirse debe ser un gran balancePlayingJugarShe loves playing with her dog / A ella le encanta jugar con su perroTakingTomarHe enjoys taking a shower in the afternoon / Él disfruta tomar una ducha en las tardesSpeakingHablarSpeaking about the workshop, it’s good to attend it / Hablando sobre el taller, es bueno atenderloWateringRegar aguaWatering the plants is a good therapy / Regar las plantas con agua es una buena terapiaStudyingEstudiarStudying English every day will bring benefits  in the future / Estudiar inglés diariamente traerá buenos beneficios en el futuro

También te interesa más lecciones gratuitas como estas:


Continúa el listado de los gerundios

Hasta el momento has aprendido una buena cantidad de verbos, pero esta lista de verbos con ING te dijimos que la hicimos con más de 100!

Por eso continuamos…

SmokingFumarSmoking cigarettes is not good for your health / Fumar no es bueno para tu saludPuttingPonerPutting some effort on your task is rewarding / Poner algo de esfuerzo en tu tarea es recompensadoDreamingSoñarShe enjoys dreaming with a different world / Ella disfruta el soñar con un mundo diferenteMakingHacerMaking cakes and baking is therapeutic / Hacer tortas y panadería es terapeúticoMeetingReunirThey like meeting and hanging out / A ellos les gusta reunirse y salir juntosReadingLeerReading teaches you new things / Leer the enseña cosas nuevasUnderstandingEntenderHe loves understanding others’ situations / A él le encanta entender las situaciones de otrosSittingSentarseSitting straight prevents you from back pain / Sentarse derecho te previene de dolor de espaldaWritingEscribirWriting and reading are two best things in life! / Escribir y leer son dos de las mejores cosas de la vida!HelpingAyudarHelping others makes you a good person / Ayudar a otros te hace una mejor personaWalkingCaminarShe loves walking barefoot / A ella le encanta caminar descalzaTalkingHablarHe hates talking too much nonsense / Él odia hablar muchas cosas sin sentidoDrivingManejarDriving slow protects the animals on the road / Manejar despacio protege a los animales en la víaCookingCocinarCooking helps you relax / Cocinar te ayuda a relajarteWashinglavarShe likes washing dishes / A ella le gusta lavar platosSteppingpararseStepping firm to show your pride / Párate firme para mostrar tu orgulloSpendinggastarSpending time in nature is what makes me happy / Gastar tiempo en la naturaleza es lo que me hace felizSavingahorrarSaving money is optional / Ahorrar dinero es opcionalFinishingterminarShe enjoys finishing her tasks before 6pm / Ella disfruta terminar sus actividades antes de las 6pmStandingpararseStanding for your rights / Párate por tus derechosEatingcomerThey love eating in new restaurants /A ellos les encanta comer en nuevos restaurantesCleaninglimpiarCleaning before going to sleep is the best choice / Limpiar antes de irte a dormir es la mejor opciónDrinkingbeberDrinking water regularly is good for you / Beber agua regularmente es bueno para tiRunningcaminarStop running before walking / deja de correr antes de caminarHittingpegar, golpearShe likes hitting him and bothering him / A ella le gusta pegarle y molestarlo a élBeginningcomenzarShe loves beginning new projects / A ella le encanta comenzar nuevos proyectosTravelingviajarTraveling is what makes me happy / Viajar es lo que me hace felizLyingmentirLying makes you a weak person / Mentir te hace una persona débilDyingmorirListeningescucharListening to music is the best therapy for depression / Escuchar música es la mejor terapia para la depresión

Verbo por

verbo ing inglés, continuación


LivingvivirLiving your life and let others live theirs / Vivir tu vida y dejar a otros vivir la de ellosDancingbailarDancing under the stars makes you feel the moment / Bailar bajo las estrellas te hace sentir el momentoLookingmirarLooking up at the start is lovely / Mirar hacia arriba a las estrellas es encantadorStayingestar, permanecerThey love staying safe at home / A ellos les encanta estar a salvo en casaWaitingesperarWaiting for your soul mate is a waste of time / Esperar por tu alma gemela es una pérdida de tiempoBeggingsuplicarBegging for love is not necessary / Rogar por amor no es necesarioShowingmostrarShowing good grades doesn’t guarantee you a good career / Mostrar buenas notas no te garantiza una buena carrera profesionalAdmittingadmitirAdmitting your mistakes is a step forward / Admitir tus errores es un paso hacia adelanteYellinggritarYelling out loud helps you release your anger / Gritar fuerte te ayuda a soltar tu rabiaStoppingpararBefore stopping your work completely, consider to make some small pauses / Antes de parar tu trabajo completamente, considera hacer pequeñas pausasBeingser/estarBeing at peace with myself is my biggest  gift / Estar en paz conmigo misma es mi mejor regaloFeelingsentirFeeling your good vibes helps me to get better / Sentir tu buena energía me ayuda a estar mejorHearingescucharYou love hearing good news, right? / Tu amas escuchar buenas noticias, verdad?PayingpagarPaying the bills on time is a good deal / Pagar las facturas a tiempo es un buen tratoSwallowingtragarThey enjoy swallowing cane juice / Ellos disfrutan tragar jugo de cañaChewingmasticarChewing slowly prevents you from coughing / Masticar lentamente te previene de toserGossipingchismosearGossiping is not a plan for me / Chismosear no es un plan para miSharingcompartirSharing is caring / Compartir es cuidar de otrosBuyingcomprarBuying cheap and selling expensive is a good deal / Comprar barato y vender caro es un buen negocioSellingvenderSelling good products is always worth it / Vender buenos productos siempre vale la penaNegotiatingnegociarThe art of negotiating / el arte de negociarCommunicatingcomunicarCommunicating your ideas is not always easy / comunicar tus ideas no siempre es fácilCreatingcrearThe art of creating innovative products / el arte de crear productos innovadoresFixingarreglarFixing your car before leaving the city is a good idea / arreglar tu carro antes de irte de la ciudad es una buena ideaLearningaprenderLearning new things everyday strength is our brain / Aprender cosas nuevas cada día fortalece nuestro cerebroHavingtenerHaving more money than others doesn’t make you smarter / Tener más dinero que otros no te hacen más inteligenteWinningganarShe enjoys winning the tennis match / Ella disfruta ganar los partidos de tenisCallingllamarCalling others by their names is always important / Llamar a otros por su nombre es siempre importanteGivingdarGiving without expecting anything in return is what makes you a great person / Dar sin esperar algo a cambio es lo que te hace una gran personaBookingreservarBooking in advance gives you some discounts and rewards / reservar por adelantado te da varios descuentos y beneficiosLeavingdejarHe hates leaving the dishes dirty in the kitchen / Él odia dejar los platos sucios en la cocinaJumpingsaltarJumping to new adventures is a way of life / Saltar a nuevas aventuras en un estilo de vidaDryingsecarShe loves drying her clothes in the yard / A ella le encanta secar su ropa en la patioApplyingaplicarApplying for a new job is a big challenge / Aplicar a un nuevo empleo es un gran desafíoAskingpreguntarAsking before going is polite / Preguntar antes de ir es cortezWatchingverWatching movies and eating popcorn is my favorite plan for Sundays / Ver películas y comer crispetas es mi plan favorito para los domingosDressingvestirDressing up for the party is required / Vestirte elegante para la fiesta es requeridoVisitingvisitarVisiting your parents is a good plan / visitar a tus padres es un buen planFlyingvolarThe eagle enjoys flying in the abyss / El águila disfruta volar en el abismoRaisingaumentarRaising the bet is not always a good strategy / Subir la apuesta no siempre es una buena estrategiaCollectingcolectarCollecting moments instead of things / Colecta momento en vez de experienciasTastingprobarTasting wine is something nice to learn / Probar un vino es algo chevere para aprenderTestingtestearShe likes testing his patience / A ella le gusta testear la paciencia de élPreparingprepararPreparing for this new world helps us get through it easier / Prepararnos para este nuevo mundo nos ayuda a sobrellevarlo más fácilAllowingpermitirAllowing yourself experience new adventures is the best gift / Permitirte a ti mismo experimentar nuevas aventuras es el mejor regaloSwimmingnadarSwimming and playing tennis is very common here / Nadar y jugar tenis es muy común aquíDrawingdibujarDrawing is a great hobby! / Dibujar es un gran pasatiempo!DenyingnegarDenying your feelings will only bring pain within yourself / Negar tus emociones sólo traerá dolor dentro de tiFlirtingcoquetear, ligarShe likes flirting with her new hairstyle / A ella le gusta coquetear con un nuevo estilo de cabello

 Cuarta parte de la lista de verbos con ING

Hemos llegado a la parte final de este gran listado que es un contenido bastante significativo y enriquecedor para nuestro proceso de aprendizaje.

GettingobtenerThey like getting some benefits after their good job / A ellos les gusta obtener beneficios luego de su buen trabajoHurtingLastimarHurting yourself is never worth it / Lastimarte a ti mismo nunca vale la penaEnhancingengrandecerEnhancing your capabilities allows you to be a better person / Engrandecer tus habilidades te ayuda a ser una mejor personaReleasingsoltarAfter releasing her old ideas she feels better and lighter / Después de soltar sus viejas ideas ella se siente mejor y más ligeraSendingenviarSending money to other countries is not always cheap / Enviar dinero a otros países no siempre es baratoReceivingrecibirReceiving comes after giving / Recibir viene luego de darForgettingolvidarHe enjoys forgetting the bad moments in his life / él disfruta olvidar sus malos momentos en su vidaForgivingperdonarForgiving is not easy but is the best thing you can do in the future / Perdonar no es fácil pero es lo mejor que puedes hacer en tu futuroBecomingllegar a serBecoming a butterfly takes courage / Convertirse en una mariposa requiere corajeBelievingcreerBelieving in yourself is the best therapy you can do / Creer en ti mismo es la mejor terapia que puedes hacerStartingcomenzarShe likes starting her day with some yoga postures / A ella le gusta comentar su día con algunas posturas de yogaBendingdoblarBending your knees correctly is good if you know how to do it / Doblar tus rodillas correctamente es bueno si sabes cómo hacerloStretchingestirarShe loves stretching after working out / A ella le encanta estirar después de su entrenamiento físicoDoinghacerDoing good is always worth it / Hacer el bien siempre vale la penaLearningaprenderLearning english will help you in your career / aprender inglés te ayudará en tu carrera profesionalInhalinginhalarInhaling clean air will be good for your lungs / Inhalar aire limpio será bueno para tus pulmones

Descarga la lista de verbos con ING completa

Además, si lo que quieres es tener esta lista de verbos con ING en inglés y español, hacemos tus sueños realidad y ahora es toda tuya! Así:

Ingresa a este enlace para descargar gratis la lista completa en PDF


[Update] ‘-ing’ or ‘to’? Everything you need to know (part one: after verbs) | verb ing – NATAVIGUIDES

This is part 1 of a series of posts on “-ing” and “to,” a.k.a. gerund and infinitive. Click here for part 2.

So you know how to talk about the past in English. (He met a giraffe yesterday.) You know the difference between talking about general actions (I take my giraffe for a walk every day) and actions happening right now (I’m feeding the giraffe right now — I’ll call you back). You can talk about plans in the future (I’m going to visit a giraffe house tomorrow) and predictions in the future (There won’t be many giraffes in the pub at 10 o’clock).

So you can use most of the tenses.

But only the “main” verb (usually the first verb) in a sentence changes because of the tense. What if there are two verbs in the sentence?

If a verb isn’t the first verb in a sentence, then it’s probably* an “-ing” verb (I love eating chocolate), a “to verb” (I forgot to send that letter) or verb 3 (I haven’t ridden a camel).

*Nothing is 100% in English!

I want to share a simple trick with you that will help you decide whether to use “-ing” or “to verb.” This trick is universal, but today let’s look at how it works after verbs (V).

What’s the trick that can solve the verb + “-ing” or “to” problem?

"to + V" is "pushing" to the future, abstract (not real), philosophical

"V + -ing" is a process, based one experience

OK? It’s actually that simple:

  • Verb + “to verb” is pushing to the future. This means that it’s abstract (not “real”) and that means it can feel “philosophical.” It’s usually a goal (not a process).
  • Verb + “-ing” is more “real,” based on experience and is usually a process (not a goal).


Words are just like people, so let’s imagine what they look like:

The "to" man pushes to the future, thinks about the result (not the process)

The “to man” is always thinking about goals. He plans and considers the future. He’s a thinker, not so much a doer.
But we like him. Before we do something, it’s good to have a plan, right?

The "-ing" lady feels the experience, focuses on the process (not the result)

The “-ing lady” is all about doing things. She also thinks, like the “to man,” but when she thinks, she’s thinking about the experience, not the result.

OK. Let’s see these guys in action!

“-ing” and “to” after verbs

When you learned about “-ing” and “to” for the first time, it was probably in a situation something like this:

He wants to make a massive cake.

He enjoys making massive cakes.

We use “to verb” after “want” and  “-ing” after “enjoy.” Some verbs take “to” (want to do), some verbs take “-ing” (enjoy doing).

I often get the question, “How do we know which verbs take ‘-ing’ and which verbs take ‘to’?” and for many years, I told my students “you just have to learn it.”

I was wrong (it happens!). There is actually a system. We just need to ask ourselves, “Is this a ‘to man’ verb or an ‘ing lady’ verb?”

The "-ing" lady making a cake and the "to" man thinking about a cake.

This works with most verbs.

Pushing to the future:

He hoped to buy a box for his massive cake.

I’m planning to visit Mongolia next spring.

Do you need to meet him soon?

Feeling the experience:

Imagine travelling the world in a hot air balloon! Awesome!

I miss being a kid. I had so much fun.

Have you ever dreamt of flying?

Tricky bit #1:

As I’m sure you know, some verbs (e.g. like, love, hate and prefer) can be followed by either “-ing” or “to.”

Alper likes to watch people skiing. Alper likes watching people skiing.

What’s the difference?

When we say “Alper likes watching people skiing,” we’re focusing on Alper’s enjoyment when he watches people skiing. It’s about the experience. It’s more human.

When we say “Alper likes to watch people skiing,” we’re focusing on describing Alper’s habits and routines. It’s not a feeling. It’s more scientific.

Have a look at these examples. Why is the first example “-ing” and the second “to”?

I like walking along the beach in summer.

I like to go to the dentist twice a year.

Tricky bit #2:

Some other verbs can take either “-ing” or “to,” but the meaning changes.

Let’s look at these verbs one by one.

Stop + “-ing” or “to”

Look at this picture:

Hi, Alper! Are you watching people skiing again?

Here’s what happened before this picture:
Judy was skiing. Then Judy saw Alper. Judy stopped because she wanted to talk to Alper. (They’re old friends.) So, Judy stopped one thing (the experience). Why? Because she wanted to do another thing (pushing to the future):

Judy stopped skiing. Why? She stopped to talk to Alper.

We stop doing an action to do something else.

Remember + “-ing” or “to”

Let’s look at “to man” and “-ing lady” again. Who do you think is more nostalgic? Who do you think is more organized?

“-ing lady” is more nostalgic because she spends more time thinking about experiences. “To man” is more organised — he thinks about plans!

Here’s a picture of “-ing lady” being nostalgic and “to man” being organised:

I remember being a kid. I'll remember to take my keys.

When we remember doing something, we’re looking back at the past.

When we remember to do something, we’re planning for the future. It means “not to forget.”

Try + “-ing” or “to”

The verb “try” is all about finding a solution to your problem. When you have a problem, you have one ultimate goal: “How can I solve this problem?”

Here’s Amanda with her problem. (We don’t know what the problem is — it’s personal!)

Person with problem looking towards goal in the future.

She’s looking into the future to the point in time when her problem is solved.

To get there what does she need to do?

That’s right! The problem is in the future, so “to man” will help her here — she’s going to try to solve her problem.

But there are lots of things she can do to solve the problem. Some of them will work. Some won’t. But she needs to try, right?

Person with problem and the barriers.

As you can see, these are the actions she needs to do to solve the problem. To solve her problem, Amanda must try asking her mother, or try paying the giraffe.


  • If you try to do something, you focus on the whole problem. It’s the ultimate goal.
  • If you try doing something, you try one method to solve the whole problem.


Tricky bit #3:

So far (until now) we’ve looked at how “to man” and “-ing lady” work when we want to use two verbs in the same sentence.

Here’s Anna:

I want to eat all the cakes.

In this example who’s doing the “wanting” and who’s doing the “eating”? That’s right! It’s Anna! It’s all Anna!

But what if she’s doing the “wanting” and she wants someone else, maybe Elvis Presley (who really liked eating), to do the “eating”?

We need to add Elvis to the sentence, right? How do we do that? Well, let’s start with the sentence from before:

Anna wants to eat all the cakes.

There’s only one person in this sentence (Anna), because Anna is doing the wanting and Anna is doing the eating. But when she wants Elvis to do the eating, we put him in front of that verb:

I want Elvis to eat all the cakes!

This works the same with “-ing” or with “to.” Just put the new person (Elvis) in front:

I want to relax! And I want Elvis to relax.

A strange thing

Finally, here’s a strange thing.

When we use the verb “need” followed by the passive:

It needs to be cooked.

…we can replace the passive infinitive part “to be cooked” with a gerund:

It needs cooking.

Here are some more examples:

This house is filthy and needs cleaning.

Yeah, you can use my bike, but the tyre needs pumping.

This is a little strange because we’re using an active verb for a passive action. But that’s English! As I’m sure you know by now, English is not 100% regular.

So, as you can see, although there are different ways to use “-ing” and “to,” they usually follow the general rule:

  • “to” is pushing to the future!
  • “-ing” is about the experience!

Verb + -ing or to

We’re going to meet these lovely people again in part 2.

If you have any questions about the “to man” and the “-ing lady,” please leave a comment and I’ll try to help you out!

What Are You Doing? Song 1 | Action Verbs Set 1 | Learn English Kids

Sing, read, and move together in this fun action learning video for children. This is verb set 1 present continuous with more to come!
Lyrics (copy and print for your students):
What are you doing?
I”m walking.
I’m running.
I’m jumping.
I’m dancing.
I’m reading.
I’m eating.
I’m drinking.
I’m sleeping.
I’m putting on my shoes.
I’m putting on my hat.
I’m saying goodbye.
More Fun Dream English Kids Videos:
Bingo and More 52 Minutes of Kids Songs:
Wheels on the Bus with Matt:
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Best of Kids Songs Volume 1 on iTunes (great for car rides!) Includes Let’s Count 1 to 10.
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What Are You Doing? Song 1 | Action Verbs Set 1 | Learn English Kids

Nessy Reading Strategy | Adding ‘-ed’ | Past Tense Verbs | Learn to Read

The past tense refers to things that have already happened. When talking about the past, regular verbs have ‘ed’ on the end of them. Learn why ‘ed’ sends verbs into the past!
Features in the Nessy Reading \u0026 Spelling program.
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Nessy Reading Strategy | Adding '-ed' | Past Tense Verbs | Learn to Read

[Ngữ pháp nâng cao] – VERB OR V-ING

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[Ngữ pháp nâng cao] - VERB OR V-ING


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How to use GERUNDS and INFINITIVES | Confusing English Grammar

This lesson will show you how to use gerunds and infinitives in English! This can be confusing grammar… If you’re wondering what a gerund is… Watch this lesson:
Knowing WHEN to use a gerund and when you use the toinfinitive in English can be confusing! Especially because sometimes it can completely change the meaning of a sentence! In this lesson, we’ll talk about these different parts of speech and how important it is to know common verb patterns (if you want to get your English grammar right!)
Remember… If you’re wondering what a gerund is, watch this lesson:
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How to use GERUNDS and INFINITIVES | Confusing English Grammar

นอกจากการดูบทความนี้แล้ว คุณยังสามารถดูข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์อื่นๆ อีกมากมายที่เราให้ไว้ที่นี่: ดูวิธีอื่นๆMAKE MONEY ONLINE

ขอบคุณมากสำหรับการดูหัวข้อโพสต์ verb ing

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